4.08 changes Dated March 3, 1997 1. Added VOLUME( L, R ); to set the left and right volume for Sound Blaster Pro or higher. Default is 12. See the CONTROL script where -V is handled for an example. 2. Fixed the script to move items from one player to another. It turns out that SELECT( player.bp ) returned the index of the item on the select list, instead of the index of the selected item in the back pack. In most cases this is the same value, but since a backpack can have empty slots, and those slots are NOT shown in the select list, the answer was not always the same. This applies also to the case 'select( player.body )', which shows the worn items and let's you select one of them. The obvious fix was to change: L3 = select( player.bp ); to: L3 = select( player.bp ); L3 = player.bp.index; ! or L3 = curritem.index but it failed because player.bp.index and curritem.index were broken also. However, player.bp by itself returns the index in numeric assignments, so this worked: L3 = select( player.bp ); L3 = player.bp; I decided to go ahead and fix the SELECT() call to return the index of the selected item instead of the index into the list so, so that after the L3 = select( player.bp ) statement, the values of L3, player.bp, player.bp.index and curritem.index are all the same. 3. The foreach OBJECT loop was broken. It would loop only over VISIBLE objects, even when you didn't specify VISIBLE. Note that foreach NPC was working properly. 4. The RANDOM() routine wasn't properly initialized and returned the same random sequence all the time. This isn't quite what was happening, but it should work all the time now. 5. I incorporated the code into the CONTROL script that I had given to lost-dragon for stacked objects when moving. That way, if you have a table (furniture/thing) with some food on top, you still can't walk over it. The old script allowed you to walk over it because it saw only the FOOD, not the furniture under it. Dated February, 1997 1. Mode VH2 was added back in. The files in VH2FILES.ZIP should be expanded if you wish to use this mode. 2. Mode VH3 is now supported, but the template files (DCxxxVH3.PCX) are not provided. These templates will be provided in a later upgrade. 3. The VHU mode tiles (added in 4.07) can now be used in the original 640x480x256 mode (VHU) as well as in the new modes VHV (800x600x256) and VHW (1024x768x256). Only the TEMPLATES are needed (files DCxxxVHV.PCX and DCxxxVHW.PCX). The VHU tiles are used for all 3 modes. 4. The volume setting for voice and music was fixed. In a future release I will introduce volume controls to the script language. 5. By default, MIDI files are assumed to follow Rolands MT32 instrument standard. However, if the file DCMUSIC.IBK is found at startup time, the instrument bank in that file will be used to play MIDI files instead. DCGAMES supplies 2 instrument banks (MT32.IBK containing the Roland MT32 standard instruments and GMIDI.IBK containing the General MIDI standard instruments). You should copy one or the other files to DCMUSIC.IBK as needed. 6. In addition to startup DCMUSIC.IBK, the new script command LOADIBK() can be used to load a instrument bank at any point in time during game play. The instrument bank remains loaded until another LOADIBK() is issued. Example: LOADIBK( "GMIDI.IBK" ); 7. New parameter -v tells the game driver to use VESA compatible graphics modes instead of direct chipset access. Use -v if you think you are having graphics board related problems. 8. The number of character tiles (in DCPEOPLE.VHx) and object tiles (in DCOBJECT.VHx) was raised to 1024. The previous limit was 512. 9. The new WAITCK() script command will wait for a specified number of CLOCK TICKS (there are roughly 18 ticks in a second). WAITCK() is similar to WAIT() in that it waits for the specified amount of time OR till music stops playing. 10.The new TIMECK() script command will wait for a specified number of clock ticks regardless of whether music is playing. 11. The new function TIMER will return the number of clock ticks since midnight. It can be used when you don't want to WAIT() for a specified amount of time, but you want to be able to check a bit later to make sure at least a specified amount of time has gone by. 12. The mouse is no longer required. If you don't have one the game driver will let you continue on. 13. The HELP in the game driver was moved from WRITE/WRITELN to a pop-up window. 14. The new function P_DOTEXT() was introduced. It works exactly like DOTEXT() but the text strings are displayed inside the current frame (as set by SET_FRAME()). 15. The SET_FRAME() routine will now store the image under the frame and restore it when the text functions (PWRITE/PWRITELN and P_DOTEXT) cause it to scroll. 16. The VIEWPCX, VIEWGIF and VIEWFLI functions will now NOT set use the palette inside the file, instead displaying the image using the current game driver's palette. However, if you want to use the picture's palette, use the new parameter: VIEWPCX( "filename.pcx", PALETTE ); 17. The VIEWPCX, VIEWGIF and VIEWFLI functions can now display their image centered inside the current FRAME as defined by the last SET_FRAME() command. This allows you to display images on top of other images or even anywhere on the screen. VIEWPCX( FRAME, "filename.pcx" ); See the script file JIMMY.SCR for an example, and to see it working go talk to Jimmy in the example game. 18. The files ANYFRAME.PCX and ANYCONV.PCX were added to be used in conversations. Again, see the JIMMY.SCR example. 4.07 changes 1. A new mode called VHU that is 640x480x256 (same as VH1) but the tiles are 48x48 in size (much bigger and square). This mode will evolve into a variable tile size mode for 5.x, with tiles 24x24, 48x48 and 72x72 in size. Note that this mode is in ALPHA so you shouldn't use it. The tile files for VHU are quite large (4MB total vs 1.5MB in VH1 for example) and that doesn't include the animation tiles. When I add animation, every character will support up to 20 frames in VHU mode. This will make these files HUGE. The format for VHU will probably by incompatible with the format for the rest of the modes. 2. The ability to play "full screen" (the menu/stats part on the right side disappears). You can control it using: PAINT(SMALL); or PAINT(LARGE); in the scripts. You can use the SPLIT function to find out if the screen is currently in SPLIT (SMALL) mode. 3. The ability to "transfer" to another world immediatly, rather than having to wait until the script finishes execution. teleport( IMMEDIATE, dest-world, dest-door|x,y ); 4. Removed the text box at the bottom and replaced it with a "control" bar. This bar includes a smaller text area, a player's statistics and and the icon bar. I'm still playing around with the exact size of the text area and the stats. 5. Fixed text wraping for all text outputs, such as WRITE/WRITELN (in the text box), PWRITE/PWRITELN (in a PCX picture) and MSGBOX() (see below). 6. Added the ability to display a windows like box with up to 3 buttons, like: ! Display a box with 2 buttons labeled Yes and No.. L0 = msgbox( QUESTION, 2,"Yes","No","Are you sure?" ); 7. Changed the stats/menu boxes to much nicer boxes with edges and other nice features. The stats/menu boxes are stored in PCX images, and while you can modify them, you should not alter their size, nor the title space or the ICON bar at the bottom of each one. 8. INITPLAY.SCR now runs every time you start playing. It is like the INITGAME script, but it runs every time, not just at the begining of the game. You can use it to set the palette, choose the type of interface (large/small), etc., etc. 9. STOPPLAY.SCR new runs every time you stop playing. It will display a DCGAMES "shareware" image, but you can remove that code and put your own. This allows you to do all kinds of house keeping before the game engine quits. 10. There is a new "format" for the tile files (*.VHI, *.VH1, etc.) that uses about 1/2 the current size. A conversion program is included so no problem. If you have your own tiles, just run "DCCNVT5G.EXE". 11. The SELECT() command now displays a pop-up box instead of using the statistics area. This allows you to do work in full screen mode w/out having to switch to small screen mode just to have a menu based interaction with an NPC. The pop-up box is stored in DCLSTVHx.PCX (short) and DCLS2VHx.PCX (long). If the available options exceed the space available in the long form, multiple pages are used (with a PgUp/PgDn notice at the bottom of the list. 12. Included templates MSGBOX(), SELECT() and the statistics/menu area for VHI, VH1 and VHU mode. Other modes are not supported. The only other mode I will support is VH2 (800x600) if I get lot's of e-mail from people that absolutely have to have it. Anything else (VLO, VH3, etc.) is out. 13. The MOVE and COPY commands have been extended to allow moves/copies to different members of the party. The M)ove command is implemented in the CONTROL script rougly as follows: Ln = SELECT( player.bp ); ! Select an ITEM Lm = SELECT( group ); ! Select destination MOVE( player.bp, player(Lm) ); ! Move it 14. The READTEXT() command will now display text blocks inside the PCX image provided in DCTXTVHx.PCX. If it is not found, the text is still displayed in the text area (backwards compatible), but the text area is way too small to display full blocks of text. You can also use SET_FRAME() and VIEWPCX/GIF() to put an image on the screen, then call READTEXT() with a second parameter of -1, to indicate that the image and frame are already set, so DCTXTVHx.PCX is not used. 15. Extended the STATS() command to include the following: stats( group ); ! Show group statistics stats( player ); ! Show current player statistic stats( player.bp ); ! Show current player's backpack stats( player.body ); ! Show current player's worn items stats( NEXT | PREV ); ! Show next (or previous) player's info You can also show NPC stats, backpack and body, but that feature is under development. It might not work just right just yet. You can still use STATS( );, which will display the statistics for the given player in the group, and using STATS; (no parameter) will just re-fresh the stats area. Note that stats() does NOT switch to SMALL mode, but it does "remember" what you last specified, so you can do this: Ln = SPLIT; ! Remember stats( player.bp ); ! Show inventory paint( small ); ! SMALL mode (does nothing if already small) if not Ln then paint( large ); endif; ! Restore Large Mode Other enhancements and bug fixes in 4.07 a) After a LOCATE, check npc.x/npc.y against pointx/pointy to make sure you found an NPC. b) Check to make sure there is land nearby before you can exit a boat. c) Allow boarding a boat from diagonal directions. d) In battle, you could reference the invisible NPCs (that disapear when the fight starts). You could also "fight" with objects. These bugs have been fixed. e) The VIEWPCX() function has been extended. If the picture you want to display has the wrong number of colors (16 in 256 color mode or 256 in 16 color mode), a slower routine is used to display the PCX. The 256 colors are "mapped" to the closest of the 16 colors. f) The ENDGAME routine was broken when invoked in the WORLDDEF script. It worked in other scripts. g) The code to stop an entry in WORLDDEF/@GET (using STOP instead of CONTINUE) was not working. This was fixed. 4.06 changes I think there was a bug in the text handling that had to do with scrolling. I released this one just a few days after 4.05 because of that bug, but I can't remember what it was. 4.05 changes DCPLAY.EXE will now look for file DCFNTVHI.FGF which is the font file to be used in the game. The file is in FastGraf Font format (FGF). For low resolutions (VLO) games, it will use the old ugly font which is stored as DCFNTVLO.FGF. Other enhancements and fixes include: a) Moved code that divides follower statistics by half from the game driver to the script FIGHTING/@0, so you now have control over the follower's stats. b) Instead of playing "Win" automatically when you win a battle, it calls FIGHTING/@2 (new entry point) so now you control what happens when you kill all the monsters. c) When using "foreach npc|object do", if you change the current npc/object's location inside the loop, sometimes you got funny behaviour (the loop wouldn't visit every npc or object, or it might visit the same one twice). d) When you use FIGHT(STOP);, the script will NO-LONGER-STOP. This means you can add more script code to handle running away, etc. To get the old behaviour, just add a STOP; right after the FIGHT(STOP) in your scripts. Note that FIGHT; by itself (starting a fight) still stop the script. Once you start a fight a separate sequence is used. e) Fixed a bug in POS(). It now correctly finds the first occurance of a character in a string. 4.04 changes: Fixed minor bug in 4.03 (pause,beep,pause) in sound board detection routine. New entrypoint into CONTROL.SCR handles NPC animation (@5) when not fighting. It is called once per turn (after the player's move). NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NPCs are no longer animated by the game driver. If you have modified the CONTROL script you MUST add the @5 entrypoint and implement NPC animation for hostile monsters or they will stop moving. Includes new version of WORXLITE, PLAY.BAT and the TSR.COM utility to allow help install/remove the sound blaster driver. TSR.COM didn't properly detach the accelerated clock interrupt, so time went REALLY FAAAAAST after you played DCGAMES, make sure you install the new PLAY.BAT! New features include SWRITE/SWRITELN, a version of WRITE/WRITELN that sends it's output to a string variable instead of the screen: object.name = SWRITELN( player.name, "'s book" ); Another new feature is PWRITE/PWRITELN, a version of WRITE/WRITELN that writes into a displayed PCX image. The SETFRAME command (new) defines the margins within the PCX image. ! SETFRAME( picture, xof,yof,xof,yof,color ); SETFRAME( "BOOK1.PCX", 30, 30, 30, 30, 1 ); VIEWPCX ( "BOOK1.PCX" ); PWRITELN( "Title: ", object.name ); PWRITELN( "Once upon a time.." ); pause; paint( window ); Two new functions will tell if you can SEE or REACH (with your current mode of transportation) from one spot to another. The LOS (line of sight) and LOR (line of reach) functions, take 2 locations and a set of landscape transparency values (for LOS) or density values (for LOR). For example: if LOS( npc, player ) then ! The monster can see the player.. endif; if LOR( player, world.doorx(5), world.doory(5) ) then writeln( "The door is within reach!" ); endif; Full examples and function details can be found in ADDENDUM.TXT, an addendum to the 4.00 documentation. See also the file TEST.SCR which is invoked in the game by pressing FKEY9. It tests LOS, LOR, SET_FRAME and PWRITE/PWRITELN. 4.03 changes: The file DCWORLD.EXE and DCPLAY.EXE are now protected mode versions of the DCGAMES system. They use the DOS4GW.EXE program (must be in the same place as the executables). They will now use all available protected mode memory and are optimized for 386 processors, so they don't work on older processors. Worlds may now be up to 512KB in size (up from 64KB). Compiled scripts (SCO files) can now be a lot larger, and a few other internal limits are also extended. I also modified the script language to return the string values instead of numbers when the following variables are assigned to a string or displayed using write/writeln: a) world.density(x,y) <- Returns string from the [WORLD DENSITIES] entry in DCCTOKEN.DAT b) world.block(x,y) <- Returns string from the NAME field of the Tile record in DCBLOCKn.mde where n=0-9 and mde = VHI, VH1, etc. I also fixed a bug in the code that allowed you to replace the landcaping file on the fly. It was plain broken. Now you can have 2 sets of landscaping tiles, one for darkness, one for daylight and switch like this: world.landcape = 1; ! Between 0 and 9 ! Finally, in order to make this protected mode I had to extract the sound library and make it into a TSR (because it's real-mode). To run DCPLAY now you need a batch file that loads and removes the TSR. See example file PLAY.BAT This batch file marks memory (tsr i), loads the WORXLITE tsr program, runs DCPLAY and removes the WORXLITE tsr when DCPLAY ends. Note that if you usually use the -S parameter because you don't have a sound card, you can just run the dcplay.exe program directly w/out loading the worxlite program: dcplay.exe -s 4.02 changes: The utility 'LOADPAL.EXE' will load a NEOPAINT palette (file.PAL) into a DCGAMES palette (file.DAT). The default palette is DCPALET.DAT and is loaded at game startup. Inside the scripts, you can use the LOADPAL() function to load an alternate palette. This function can be used to implement day/night as follows in the 'time' routine in CONTROL.SCR if then loadpal( "DCPALET.DAT" ); else loadpal( "NIGHTPAL.DAT" ); endif; You can also change the palette when you enter a new world depending on the world type, for example: if world.type = CAVE then loadpal( "CAVEPAL.DAT" ); elsif time > sunrise and time < sunset then loadpal( "DCPALET.DAT" ); else loadpal( "NIGHTPAL.DAT" ); endif; I also fixed WORLD.INDEX to return a simple number (like it did in 3.x). I broke it trying to implement a variable that returns the STRING name of the world file. If you want to get the name of the world file (w/out extension), use WORLD.SINDEX, which will return "WORLDnnn" where nnn = 000 to 999. 4.01 changes: Fixes a bug that causes the game driver to hang after a battle when using the -s parameter. Also, contains minor patches to the CONTROL script to handle 3.01 style hidden and locked doors.