DeLuxe Roulette v1.2 (32bit) ============================ program and documentation is copyright 1996 Marzio De Biasi All Rights Reserved Contents of this file: *** INTRODUCTION & UNREGISTERED VERSION LIMITATIONS *** INSTALLATION *** REGISTRATION *** BUGS REPORT AND CONTRIBUTIONS *** HISTORY *** ABOUT THE AUTHOR NOTE: the complete help (in Windows-help format) can be found in ROULETTE.HLP file *** INTRODUCTION & UNREGISTERED VERSION LIMITATIONS *** ======================================================= In 1994 I wrote a roulette game (never released) for the great Amiga(tm) ... after two looong year I decided to write a PC version of that program using the powerful Delphi(tm) RAD system. I've improved graphics and added some new stuff, but the game’s scheme has not changed. AIMS OF THE GAME: ----------------- A) enjoy yourself trying to win as many credits as possible B) develop strategies that can be used with real roulettes in real Casinos The PC version is SHAREWARE and I've included a small tiresome "noise" that will encourage you to register: IN THE UNREGISTERED VERSION: - YOU CAN BET ONLY 4 CREDITS AT A TIME - YOU MUST START A GAME WITH ONLY 10 CREDITS (BUT EVEN WITH 10 CREDITS YOU CAN WIN A FORTUNE ;-) - EVERY 10 GAMES THE ABOUT WINDOW WILL AUTOMATICALLY APPEAR AND DROULETTE WILL FORCE YOU TO WAIT A FEW SECONDS BEFORE CONTINUE PLAYING - YOU CAN'T SPIN THE WHEEL MANUALLY, SO YOU MUST WAIT UNTIL THE BET TIMER BECOMES ZERO IF YOU REGISTER THESE LIMITS WILL DISAPPEAR (see “How to register” section). *** INSTALLATION *** ==================== Unzip DROULE11.ZIP archive into a temporary directory (or directly into your favourite game directory) then run the SETUP.EXE program found in the archive. Installation options: a) copy files to a destination directory: enable it if you want to copy ROULETTE.EXE main program and the related files from the directory where you’ve unzipped DROULE11.ZIP archive to another directory. (default = enabled) b) create a group for DRoulette in Program Manager: enable it if you want to automatically create a group “DRoulette” (with related icons) in your Program Manager. (default = enabled) Click on button to install DRoulette, on button if want to skip installation. An installation example: Suppose you've a floppy disk with DROULE11.ZIP file. - from Windows(tm) open a MS-DOS session (MS-DOS prompt) and type: C:\> copy A:\DROULE11.ZIP C:\TMP C:\> cd C:\TMP C:\TMP> unzip DROULE11.ZIP C:\TMP> exit - select Run from File menu' and type: C:\TMP\ SETUP.EXE then click button; wait a bit and click on button on the installation window; - double click on DRoulette icon in the new DRoulette group and have fun! NOTE: if you don’t run SETUP.EXE, DRoulette will work perfectly as well; but, in this case, you’ll need to add a Program Manager group (or item) manually. *** REGISTRATION *** ==================== You may freely distribute the unregistered version it as long as all of its files are included in their original form without additions, deletions, or modifications, and only a nominal fee is charged for its distribution. It cannot be distributed as a part of commercial product without author's written permission. The registered version cannot be distributed in any way. IF YOU PLAY DELUXE ROULETTE AND FEEL THAT IT IS GOOD, YOU SHOULD REGISTER: THE SHAREWARE FEE IS USA $10 (OR AN EQUIVALENT SUM IN DM OR ITALIAN LIRE). NOTE: this program may be included in freeware and shareware collections, providing that the previous conditions are respected. NOTE: if you want to make DRoulette a commercial product contact me via email. Please fill this out if you want to register to DRoulette (if you haven't a printer, make a HAnD-copy of it); post it to me together with the money. DON'T FORGET YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS!!! ====cut-here================================================================== To: De Biasi Marzio via Borgo Simoi, 34 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) ITALY YES, I want to register to DRoulette !!! ---------------------------------------- Send me the DRoulette registration-password (WHICH WILL WORK WITH FUTURE DRoulette VERSIONS AND WITH DeLuxe Poker, TOO) to the address below (please use CAPITAL letters): Name: ________________________________________________ Street: ______________________________________________ PC, City: ____________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________ The shareware-fee enclosed is: O Cash : 10 US $ or an equivalent sum in DM or £ or Italian Lire (15.000 lire circa!) O Cheque (INSIDE Italy - same as cash) O Cheque (OUTSIDE Italy - 20 US $ or an equivalent sum in DM or £ : international cheques need ready money to become ready money 8-( Optional information: E-Mail: ______________________________________________ (*) Phone: _______________________________________________ Your PC (CPU type and speed): ________________________ HD, RAM: _____________________________________________ Bugs, remarks, suggestions ... ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ (*) if you have an email address, I'll send you the future versions of DRoulette directly, and (if you wish) you'll become a DRoulette play-tester. ====cut-here================================================================== *** BUGS REPORT AND CONTRIBUTIONS *** ===================================== If you find some bugs, encounter some problems or have some suggestions about DRoulette, please send me an email COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME!!!! (help me to improve DRoulette) THANKS TO ALL DROULETTE REGISTERED USERS AND FANS *** HISTORY *** =============== 14 Feb 1997 (v1.2) -> autoplay, MAX_BET=99, save/load fixed, BMPs in .EXE 15 Nov 1996 (v1.1) -> 32 bit PC version ?? ??? 1994 (v1.0 -> first Amiga(tm) version. *** ABOUT THE AUTHOR *** ======================== De Biasi Marzio via Borgo Simoi, 34 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy E-Mail: Thanks, Marzio(tm)