Hosting Galaxy G in Windows 95 (freeware) Pegasus Mail REQUIRED (unless you have a reliable COMMANDLINE mailer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *WARNING* Hosting Galaxy is NOT for the weak of heart or stomach, or GUI oriented brain cell. The program can handle mistakes from player's orders pretty well, but when players are the ones who pay for the mistakes, people can get discouraged from playing and even angry. You MUST manually scan through players' orders to make sure the player knows what he's doing. Check: Does the player have the proper gameName, playerName, and password??? (this happens often). Does every player end their orders with #END? #GALAXY gamename playername [password] #END A lot of players mistype the gamename, or enter the WRONG password (or none at all after they set one) Something like this will cause the program to skip the entire orders for a particular player. The player then will gripe the next turn. Email: Your email account must be fast and reliable. A lot of people try to send orders at the last minute. Double check: View the reports to your satisfaction BEFORE you mail them out. Look for a player that has a whole list of mistakes in their orders. Maybe their email server was slow. Double check and use your best judgement whether to use their orders or not. You can ALWAYS rerun the turn before you mail reports out. BACKUP your game turn data! Nothing would ruin a game faster than having accidently deleted the last actual completed turn, and telling players that you lost yesterdays, last week, or a whole months worth of game playing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a version of Pegasus Mail. Make sure your internet connection can handle 32bit if you download the 32bit version. You can download the 16bit Pegasus Mail version at: Galaxy needs to be run inside a DOS window box, in the same directory galaxy is located. (set the directorty properly before running galaxy) Create Game: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First you need to edit the players text file. It is simply a list of email addresses or stub addresses for as many positions/players you want in the game. One email address per line. (See PLAYERS.TXT) After that, READ CREATE.TXT and run GALAXY. Enter: '?' to see the options. 'c' and 'g' are the only ones you need. Enter: 'c', and answer the questions. A 'typical' map allows 15- 20x20 square light years per player, and about 7-15 planets each player. This is arbitrary now. Players are NOT supposed to receive TURN 0 REPORTS. Examine the total startup for all nations, the map, and make sure you're happy with it. Reports are stored in REPORTS/gameName or NREPORTS/gameName. Simply run a turn with no orders to get to TURN 1. (see below and "game.bat") *NOTE: 'Judge' is YOUR information. The judge is a special report that contains almost all the information about anything in the galaxy. Game handling: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In Pegasus mail, CREATE a filter with two commands: (Tools; Mail filtering rules; Create/edit general rule set -- new; [enter long name for item] ; (See: step1.gif) OPEN the filtering rule set you just named ADD RULE - (see: step2.gif) In these headers - SUBJECT Trigger text - Action to take - APPEND to ADD RULE - (see: step3.gif) In these headers - SUBJECT Trigger text - Action to take - MOVE to