How to Read Your Turn Report for Galaxy G You can read the plain text of your turn report, or you can use any of the tools available to you. GalaxyTV is one of them. You can find GalaxyTV for Win95 32bit at: Your turn report will contain some or all of the following sections: * Messages * Mistakes * Status of Players * Your Ship Types * Battles * Bombings * Map * Incoming Groups * Your Planets * Ships In Production (if O PRODTABLE set) * Your Routes * Alien Planets * Uninhabited Planets * Unidentified Planets * Your Groups * Your Fleets (if FLEETTABLES set -default-) * Fleet Speeds (if NO FLEETTABLES set) * Alien Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Messages --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Messages from the Judge or computer, including summary reports. Note: Email must be used to send messages between players. The 'F' command will send you a player's email address. Summary Reports: * = Total mass N = Shiptype name # = Total Number M = Mass of each ship C = Mass dedicated to cargo (empty ship) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any mistakes in your orders. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status of Players --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of only all the players you can see. Summaries are listed based on current observations. N = Name D = Drive Technology (alien players are always listed as 1) W = Weapon Technology (alien players are always listed as 1) S = Shield Technology (alien players are always listed as 1) C = Cargo Technology P = Total visible Population I = Total visible Industry # = Total number of visible Planets owned R = War Status --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ship Types --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of your and other player's ship types; the following information is provided: N = Name D = Drive (information not provided for other players) A = Attacks (information not provided for other players) W = (Your ship: Weapons) (Other player: Mass of ship) S = Shields (information not provided for other players) C = Cargo (OPTIONAL - By Judge) X = Cargo Capacity (amount a new ship can carry) - = Velocity of ship (FULL CARGO) + = Velocity of an empty ship M = Ship mass (empty cargo ship if can carry cargo) S = Shield strength (assuming 1:1 weapon/shield tech ratio) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a description of all the battles that you have fought or witnessed this turn. For each battle, a list of groups belonging to each player is given. The following information is provided: # = Number of Ships T = Shiptype Name D = Drive Tech (alien groups are always listed as 1) W = Weapons Tech (alien groups are always listed as 1) S = Shields Tech (alien groups are always listed as 1) C = Cargo Tech (alien groups are always listed as 1) T = Type of Cargo being carried Q = Quantity of Cargo carried Per Ship L = Number of Surviving Ships Left M = Ship mass (empty cargo ship if can carry cargo) A = Attacks W = Weapons * Weapon TECH S = Shield strength * Shields Tech (assuming 1:1 weapon/shield tech ratio) * = Casualty in Group Example battle report: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bombings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of all the planets that you have observed being bombed this turn. The following information is given: W = Who bombed the planet O = Owner N = Planet Name P = Population I = Industry P = Producing (capital, raw materials, research or ships) $ = Capital Stockpiled M = Material Stockpiled C = Colonists Stockpiled T = Troops (if attacked by troops/colonists, troops stated) (Obviously, most of this data is from just *before* the planet was bombed.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a map of all or part of the galaxy. Symbols on the map have the following meanings: * = Your Planet o = Unknown planet + = Alien or Uninhabited Planet . = Visible size 0 planet (unsuitable for colonization) ~ = Your Ships - = Alien Ships --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incoming Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of all the groups of alien ships currently heading for planets owned by you. The following information is provided: O = Origin (which planet the group came from) D = Destination (which planet the group is heading towards) R = Distance Remaining S = Speed M = Total Mass --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Planets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of all the planets that you own. The following information is provided: N = Name X = X Coordinate Y = Y Coordinate S = Size P = Population I = Industry R = Natural Resources P = Producing (capital, raw materials, research or ships) $ = Capital Stockpiled M = Material Stockpiled C = Colonists Stockpiled --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ships In Production --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This provides you will a list of ships in production with the total cost to produce such a ship (including cost to produce any materials required) and the production that has gone into producing the next one of those ships. It will be displayed as follows: N = Planet Name P = Producing Ship Type (name) N = Cost to Produce U = Production Already Used This table is displayed when the PRODTABLE option is set. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Routes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of the routes from those of your planets which have routes defined. For each planet, the destination world is listed for the following commodities: N = Planet Name $ = Route Capital [CAP] to M = Route Raw Materials [MAT] to C = Route Colonists [COL] to E = Route Empty Transports [EMP] W = Route Warships (nonfleet members) [WAR] Routes are assigned transport ships in the following order of priority: colonists, capital, materials and empty transports. [COL, CAP, MAT, EMP] A "-" for a particular commodity means that no route is defined from that planet for that commodity. If you have AUTOUNLOAD option set there will be an additional route saying: AUTO UNLOAD IS CURRENTLY SET NOW --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Planets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of all those planets owned by another player, at which you have at least one ship and which you can therefore observe. The same information is provided as for your planets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Planets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of those planets which appear on your map but which you cannot observe. Only the name of the planet and the X and Y coordinates are available. (Occasionally, due to roundoff errors, a planet will appear at the edge of the map but not be listed, or vice versa.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninhabited Planets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of uninhabited planets which appear on your map which you can observe. For all planets on the list, the name and X and Y coordinates are provided. For those planets which you can observe, the Size and Natural Resources attributes are also listed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of your groups of spaceships. If the FLEETTABLE option is set this will be a list of your groups which are not part of a fleet. The following information is provided: G = Group Number # = Number of Ships T = Ship Type D = Drive Technology W = Weapons Technology S = Shields Technology C = Cargo Technology T = Cargo Type (a "-" means that the group is carrying no cargo) Q = Cargo Quantity Per Ship D = Destination F = Fleet (Only if NO FLEETTABLE is set. A "-" means that the group is not part of a fleet) R = Range, Distance left to travel (if this is left blank, the group is at the Destination) V = Velocity (if set OPTION NO GALAXYTV) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Fleets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have set the FLEETTABLES option you will get a table for each fleet. The header for each fleet will be: 'Fleet (Speed )' The following information is provided: G = Group Number # = Number of Ships T = Ship Type D = Drive Technology W = Weapons Technology S = Shields Technology C = Cargo Technology T = Cargo Type (a "-" means that the group is carrying no cargo) Q = Cargo Quantity Per Ship D = Destination R = Range, Distance left to travel (if this is left blank, the group is at the Destination) V = Velocity (if set OPTION NO GALAXYTV) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fleet Speeds --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This table will be displayed if you have NO FLEETTABLES set. Provided is the following information: F = Fleet name S = Speed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of groups of ships belonging to other players, which you can observe. # = Number of Ships T = Ship Type D = Drive Technology (always listed as 1) W = Weapons Technology (always listed as 1) S = Shields Technology (always listed as 1) C = Cargo Technology (always listed as 1) T = Cargo Type (a "-" means that the group is carrying no cargo) Q = Cargo Quantity Per Ship D = Destination ---------------------------------------------------------------------------