============================================================================= Galaxy G (What's New) http://www.lochnet.com/49845/rec/games/pbm/galaxyg.htm ============================================================================= * Partial tech production bug fixed. The production phase still has a bug looming giving bonus production seemingly random. * Ship origin information added (for GalaxyTV's new feature) Pre-release of GalaxyG 2.00 -- February 13th 1997 Please treat this prerelease with curiosity. Technology costs formula: Drive Tech = 2500 * (your tech sum) * (your drive tech / visible highest drive tech) Other Tech = 1250 * (your tech sum) * (your other tech / visible highest other tech) Old data files below version 2.0 are no longer compatible. It was required for coalitions, routing non-fleet warships, and partial tech ship production. Coalition (K) commands: K [no] playerName ; assist playerName if attacked K [no] planetName ; assist planet (owner) if attacked ; NOTE: if you own the planet, you will attack anyone who starts a war K yourplayerName ; You will defend against anyone who initiates attacks, anywhere This command removes players/planets with 'NO' The K order is a coalition. You will defend the player or planet you select if that person/planet is aggressively attacked. You will not defend a player as a result of a chain of coalitions. (you must directly want to defend that player/planet as stated in your list) Judge: Almost full report of the complete galaxy for player "Judge" Exact details of ships in hyperspace are missing in the report. The Judge player is secure and can not be accessed remotely. R from-planet WAR [to-planet] ; Route warships command (non-fleet members) P shiptype [drive weapons shields cargo] ; Produce Partial Techs Use the word 'MAX' if you want to produce ships at your current tech level. All four categories required. ie. P Scoutship MAX MAX MAX MAX You can use GalaxyTV to work with reports. O GALAXYTV O NO GALAXYTV Limited Radar. Your view is limited to those planets within 1 turn of planets you own. Ships can still be sent to planets you have accurate names for. N oldplanetName newplanetName ; Rename Planet To rename a size 0 planet, you must be the player with the most mass of ships in orbit around it. V groupNum playerName [shipName] ; volunteer/give ships to another player L grpNum cargo MAX ; Use only as many ships as needed L grpNum cargo MAX [amount of cargo] ; specify quantity L grpNum cargo numships [amount of cargo] ; divide specified cargo w/ numships --- All these commands break off to form new groups --- '@' Command Removed and no longer supported. Too unstable. Use email. ('F' command is still available) * Limited wars: You can declare war on individual planets. (GUARD or ATTACK) (ATTACK) - Declaring war on a planet you don't own (size not equal to 0): You will attack the current owner of the planet. War status will be turned off automatically when the _current_ owner is destroyed _WHILE YOUR SHIPS ARE AT THAT PLANET_. (GUARD) - Declaring war on a planet you own or a size 0 planet: You will shoot at anyone at that planet. * Report changes. Only MASS is reported on alien ships. You don't see _any_ drive/attacks/weapons/shields information on an enemy ship. No drive/combat tech reported. Nada * Adjusted TECH formula. Research cost increases, with scaled results. DRIVE TECH costs double. Easier to learn TECH if you are behind. * Bombing requires work. The larger the gun, the more damage you do. Diminishing returns for more attacks/ships. Weapons & Shield TECH. * Colonists may land to attack non-friendly planets. - You attack or defend with 1:1 casualties, but don't stake your life on it for the whole future. * Generated non-torus circle shaped galaxy dense in the middle. * You do not start with a defined size homeworld. (limited variance) * You don't know how powerful or how close your neighbors are. * Size 0 planets. (space junk) * Carried cargo no longer dilutes shields * 'H' Command. (Hyperspace recall) (Help) (S.O.S.) This will reverse direction for ships heading the wrong direction. Syntax: H (reason for implementation: ships lost in space SNAFU with messed orders) * Removed: Global Messages, Rename Shiptype * Peace is by default with every new alien/race you meet.