***Note*** This Host update requires HOST 3.2 support and data files, if you are missing the file VPH35.DLL and the other HOST support files you can not use this host until you get them. The common name for these support files are HSTSUP32.ZIP. ------BUG FIX LIST----------- New / Bug fixes in HOST 3.22: Bug Fix: Bug that caused host to crash during the beaming / transfer stage. New: 1000 UFO data base can be read and sent to WINPLAN Bug Fix: Rebels ice planets can support 9,000,000 colonists on ice planets. (In host 3.20 and 3.21 they could only have this many on temp 1,2 or 3 degree planets. New: Planet friendly code "noc" disables Config message listing being sent as a message. New: Host will not change starbase mission back to mission 1 if the starbase mission is set to 0 New: Universal minefield friendly code setting. A planet with a friendly code beginning with "mf" will cause ALL mine fields belonging to your race to have this code as the mine field friendly code. If you set more than one planet's friendly code first two letters to "mf" the highest ID planet will be used to set the mine field friendly code. The character following "mf" can be any letter or number. Example: If one of your planets friendly code is set to "mfK" then all your mine fields will have the friendly code of "mfK". ------ HOST 3.22a Bug Fixed: Bug that prevented the "noc" planet friendly code from working has been fixed and tested. Changed: Universal minefield friendly code rules: The old minefield friendly code rule now applies again (Rule 1) Rule 1: Minefields have friendly codes. The minefield's friendly code will be the same code as the planet that is owned by the owner of the minefield that is nearest the mines center. So if you laid a minefield at Nixon and you own Nixon and Nixon's friendly code is "Q1m" the minefield would have a code of "Q1m". Any starship with that friendly code would be able to travel through the minefield and not activate any mines. If the planet's friendly code is changed the minefield's code will change to match it. The minefield friendly code takes effect as soon as the mines are dropped. Any ship in a web minefield that has a friendly code that matches the web minefield will not be drained by the web field. A ship will not minesweep a minefield with a matching friendly code and it will not show up on starmaps or in messages. Rule 2: A planet with a friendly code beginning with "mf" will cause ALL mine fields belonging to your race to have this code as the mine field universal friendly code. If you set more than one planet's friendly code first two letters to "mf" the highest ID planet will be used to set the mine field universal friendly code. The character following "mf" can be any letter or number. Example: If one of your planets friendly code is set to "mfK" then all your mine fields will have the universal friendly code of "mfK". Rule 3: If a Birdman ship sets the friendly code of any enemy planet using the super spy mission to a friendly code beginning with the letters "mf" and the planet has more than 30 defense outposts the planet will use an ion discharge overload to knock the ships out of cloak. Rule 4: A ship can use rule 1 or rule 2 to safely pass through a minefield. Both rules are in effect. The ship can use the "local" friendly code or the "universal" friendly code. ----- HOST 3.22b Bug Fixed: A problem with ships running into "ghost" WEB mines fixed. ----- HOST 3.22.001 ADDED: A data filter that keeps ships with type 0 engines from crashing HOST. (Problem caused by third party "cplayer type" programs) ----- HOST 3.22.002 FIXED: The WEB mine hit messages were giving the player the starting position of the ship. It has been fixed and now gives the position in space that the mine was hit. FIXED: Fuel burn rate of ships on an intercept mission fixed. Some ships were burning too much fuel and other were burning too little. It should now match the burn rate of ships moving normally. ----- HOST 3.22.003 NEW: Newly built ships are given a random ID number ( 1 to 500 ) NEW: Ion storms move faster, powerful storms now move at least warp 8. FIXED: Bug that caused ships with very little fuel that were intercepting ships that were intercepting other ships to be thrown hundreds of light years has been fixed. ----- HOST 3.22.004 Thanks to the efforts of VGA Planet Host Mark Johnsen, the following very hard to find bug has been found. FIXED: A bug that caused a Tim Continuum attack for cheating when the player was not cheating. The bug triggered when a player lost one or more fighters for some unknown reason. This was a never should happen event that happened from time to time. ----- HOST 3.22.005 NEW: AUXBC.INI Hook file It runs right before combat if it is found at the path given to host. You edit it as you would a batch file. BUG FIX: The Onyx Class now heats planets to 100 deg. It was only heating planets to 99 before. BUG FIX: Ion storms kill no more crew than you have on the ship. The ion storm messages were in error. They were claiming to kill more crew than was on the ship. NEW: The Resolute and the Darkwing have advanced cloaking devices. They do not burn any extra fuel to cloak as all other cloaking ships do. They can cloak in an ion storm, they are the only ships that can cloak in an ion storm. ----- SRACE HOST 3.22.007.SRACE.001 BUG FIX: If the host sets ION storms to 0, they are removed and do not "ghost". They were showing up in winplan when they are not really there. BUG FIX: Ships can not use the friend code "NUK" or "ATT" to avoid being attacked by a planet. BUG FIX: If a person with the greatest number of build points does not build a ship the next race with the second greatest number of points over 20 will build a ship instead. BUG FIX: If a planet population drops to 0 due to riots it is now marked as unowned the same turn. BUG FIX: PBP no longer causes the ship build queue to "stick" on a single base for more than one turn. NEW: Locking alliance codes. If a ship sets its friendly code to "ffX" where X is the race code ("123456789ab") that race becomes an ally race. Your mines will not effect them and your ships will not attack theirs. Your ships will never attack their planets. The alliance can be canceled with the ship code "eeX". Once a alliance is set it will stay set until it is canceled. You can see and sweep your friends mines. Web drain will not effect you. The switch ONLY takes place when a ships friendly code is changed. If all your ship friendly codes have been "ff1" for that last few turns and one ship changes its friendly code to "ee1" (Note: it is the only ship changing its code this turn) then race 1 will no longer be considered an ally. The alliance information will show up in the Priorty Build Points message. After the race name, if you see a "!" they have marked you as an ally, if you see a "+" you have marked them as an ally. I.E if you see: Lizards +! : they and you are both friends. ----- SRACE HOST 3.22.007.SRACE.003 NEW: You no longer sweep your allies minefields. BUG FIX: Web drain message not being sent bug fixed. NEW: "Error 6" caused by "something" problem fixed.