To install Visual Trek for Windows95, simply unzip all files in VISTREK.ZIP to a directory on your hard disk. A description of each file is shown below: VISTREK.EXE the Windows executable file REGISTER.TXT an ASCII text registration form *.BMP Bitmaps used by program *.WAV WAV files used by program README.TXT this file The file REGISTER.TXT is an ASCII text file that can be printed and completed to register this copy of Wintrek for Windows. The file can be printed using your favorite word processor or by typing TYPE REGISTER.TXT > PRN and hitting RETURN from a DOS prompt if you have a dot matrix printer. If you register this version of Visual Trek for Windows95, you will support the concept of shareware. You will also recieve Visual Trek 1.1, which includes: * harder levels * more sounds * more game play options (starbases, planets, etc.) * scoring Your name will be entered into our database so you can be notified when new versions of the program are released, as well as new products. The two TXT files are not essential to the play of the game, so they can be deleted when you are finished with them. Make sure to keep backup copies of the program! Visual Trek for Windows should be stored in its own subdirectory. It does not have to be stored in your path. If you have any questions or comments about Visual Trek for Windows, write to: Jacob Thoman 816 Forest Ave. Elgin, IL 60120 Or Email at :