Welcome to BatMail!! Before you run BatMail for the first time *please* make the following arrangements: 1. Create or appoint a Server directory this must be a commonly shared directory on a server which all users can access. This is the directory where Batmail puts outgoing mail and attachments. Other Batmail-clients poll this directory for new mail. 2. Create or appoint an Addressbook directory this must be a commonly shared directory on a server which all users can access. This is the directory where BatMail keeps the addressbook with the names of users, groups and group-members. 3. Create a Local Mail directory this is a local directory on a local PC where BatMail keeps its mail-files. 4. Run Batmail and tell it where to find these directories. 5. Add at least 1 user to the mail-system. About testing BatMail --------------------- You could very well test BatMail on a stand-alone PC to see if you like it before you install it in a LAN. The server-mail and address-book directory will of course have to reside locally as well. The only drawback is that you can only send mail to yourself! Ben Kalkhoven Nice SoftWare!