Upload Information Template for Hobbes ====================================== Archive Name: BBS102D.ZIP Program Description: (keep it under 60 characters) A freeware Bulletin Board System for the World Wide Web. Operating System/Version: OS/2 2.11 and above Program Source: REXX code (source code included) Replaces: Your name: Daniel Hellerstein (with the collaboration of Juho Risku) Your email address: danielh@econ.ag.gov (jrisku@paju.oulu.fi) Proposed directory for placement: /pubs/os2/apps/com/bbs Requires: The GoServe Internet Server, and the SRE-Filter Web Server "filter" for GoServe. GoServe is free IBM EWS software available from http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/goserve; SRE-Filter is freeware that is available on Hobbes, or from http://rpbcam.econ.ag.gov/srefilter. Description: BBS, version 1.02d, is a freeware bulletin board system (BBS) for the World Wide Web (WWW). BBS is designed to offer a rich array of features in a relatively simple to configure package. Features available in BBS, ver. 1.02d, include: * A flexible access control mechanism allows explicit controls on which directories (file-areas) a user can peruse. * Directory specific headers, footers, description files, and exclusion lists. * Optional "automatic descriptions" can be generated for HTML, .ZIP, and text files. * .ZIP files can be "opened and displayed", with subsequent retrieval of a specific file from within the .ZIP archive * Netscape 2.01, and other HTML 3.2 compliant browsers, can upload files to your bulletin board. * Uploads and downloads can be recorded on a per user basis. * Downloads can be disallowed if a user's "download to upload" ratio grows too large. * Multiple links per file (text-download, binary-download, and "mime type" download) can be specified. * Easily created "latest submissions" index (that spans multiple directories). * User specific upload and download directory (trees) can be specified.