Calculator was written by: Leland C. Sheppard Sheppard Software Company 4621 Luneman Road Placerville, CA 95667 CIS ID: 70574,2146 from the Internet: The Calculator program is shareware. If you use the program regularly and are interested in having us continue to develop it and other such programs, you should register the program with us. You may register Calculator for $4.00. In order to register, fill in the Register.Txt form, make out a check payable to Leland C. Sheppard and mail both to the address shown above. If you are interested in the Utility Pack and you have a Compuserve ID and you prefer to register online, simply Go SWREG and register #6193 for UTLPAR.ZIP or #6194 for UTLPAK.ZIP. Because of price constraints on SWREG, only the Utility Pack can be registered online; individual programs may be registered directly with us as described in the preceding paragraph. Please note that this file can be accessed either from the Sheppard Utilities folder or by pressing F1 when Calculator is active and has the focus on the desktop. Calculator was written in VX-REXX 2.1 and requires the VX-REXX 2.1 (or higher) runtime module (VROBJ.DLL) in order to function. Also, REXX and REXXUTIL must be installed on your system; both REXX and REXXUTIL come with OS/2. File CLCARR.ZIP contains the VROBJ.DLL module; file CLCATR.ZIP does not. Only one copy of VROBJ.DLL is required for all of the VX-REXX programs on your system; if you have previously downloaded a copy of it, you do NOT need to download it again. HOW TO OPERATE CALCULATOR: Key Mapping: 0-9 . / * + - % = - face value on the numeric keypad or main keyboard section // - M - Modulus arithmetic MR - F5 - Memory Recall M+ - F6 - Memory Add M- - F7 - Memory Subtract MC - F8 - Memory Clear CE - E - Clear Entry C - C - Clear All Get - G - Get number from clipboard Put - U - Put number on clipboard Pr - P - Toggle Print on or off The top box (list box) contains current and prior activity on the calculator from the time the program was last started. You can scroll this window using the keyboard (the arrow keys, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown) or your mouse. If you scroll the list box with your mouse or keyboard, you will need to manually return the focus to the keyboard to continue entering calculations. The simplest and cleanest way to do this is to click on the "=" key. If you enter an erroneous digit, you can use either the BackSpace key or the Del key to remove the bad digit. If you want the contents of the "tape" put in a file which can be printed, press P or click on the Pr button. Each time you press this button or the P key, you will turn "printing" to a file on or off. The default print file name is "Calclatr.Prt". If you want to specify a different file name and/or want printing to always be on, you can supply a file name on the parameter line (in the settings box or on the command line) when you start Calculator; for example, "Calclatr myfile.txt" without the quotes. If you want to copy the number in the Number Entered/Result window to the clipboard, press U or click on the Put key. If you want to copy a number from the clipboard to the Number Entered/Result window for use in the current calculation, press G or click on the Get key. Double click on the button in the upper left corner of the Calculator window or press Alt-F4 to end Calculator. MODIFYING KEY COLORS: To modify the key colors you can edit the Calclatr.Ini file and substitute the colors you desire. Drag and drop is NOT supported for key color changes. The available color names are: Background: Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, DarkBlue, DarkCyan, DarkGray, DarkGreen, DarkPink, DarkRed, Green, PaleGray, Pink, Red, White, Yellow Foreground: same as background For purposes of defining colors the keys are divided into groups. The groups are: Digits - includes 0-9 and period Memory - includes MR, M+, M- and MC Operator - includes %, *, /, +, -, // and = GetPut - includes Get and Put Clear - includes C and CE Print - includes Pr For each group there is a foreground and a background color. Specifying both colors for a group requires 2 lines in the Calclatr.Ini file, for example for the Digits group: DigitsFore = Black (or the color of your choice) DigitsBack = Brown (or the color of your choice) The information that precedes the color must be set up as shown above with a space before and after the equal sign. You can also specify a set of numbers which will be recognized as RGB or RedGreenBlue values where each of the numbers representing Red, Green or Blue will be a number between 0 (zero) and 255. The syntax for specifying colors this way is: (Red,Green,Blue) or, for example, (25,200,3) To specify the Digits background color this way: DigitsBack = (25,200,3) If you make an error in the setup of your color specifications, the change will be ignored. Simply correct the error and start Calculator again. MODIFYING SCREEN POSITION OF CALCULATOR: Set the Position parameter in the .INI file. Defaults are 1P 100P for left edge and top edge respectively; the values shown are in pixels. If you make a mistake and have the Calculator show up off-screen, terminate Calculator from the OS/2 task list (CTRL-ESC), enter appropriate values in the .INI file and start Calculator again. Thank you for your interest in our software. Leland C. Sheppard, 02-17-1997 Version 1.8 Changes from 1.7 to 1.8: Add Position line to .INI file to allow user to set screen position of Calculator. Changes from 1.6 to 1.7: Fix numeric precision to work at 15 digits as intended. Changes from 1.5 to 1.6: Changed percent key to use the current value in the display to calculate a percentage of the previous number entered. Formerly the percent key just converted the current entry in the display to a percent value. Changes from 1.4 to 1.5: Added the ability to change key colors. Added Calclatr.Ini file which contains the default key colors. Also added the // key to support modulus arithmetic. Changes from 1.3 to 1.4: Added Get/Put keys to copy to/from the clipboard. Changed color on Print key to differentiate from the Clear/Clear Entry keys. Changes from 1.2. to 1.3: Fix bug when backspace or delete key pressed too many times. Add printing (to a file) capability. Changes from 1.1 to 1.2: Clean up a formatting problem. Insure format in history window same as current display window. Precision increased from 9 to 15 digits. Changes from 1.0 to 1.1: Force history window to stay scrolled to last calculation. (c) Copyright Leland C. Sheppard, 1995. All rights reserved.