The purpose of the Software Shopper is to provide a comparative analysis of the prices for the more popular OS/2 software products available through catalog houses. The prices shown in this section are based on the most current printed prices available. They do not necessarily include shipping charges or applicable sales taxes. All prices shown are in U.S. dollars and subject to change without notice. OS/2 CONNECT neither recommends or rejects the catalog houses listed in this section.

The following software catalogs were referenced in this section because they specialize in OS/2 related products:

Both telephone and fax numbers for these vendors are listed in the following section: Telephone & Fax Numbers

The products listed here represent only a small cross-section of the native software products running on the OS/2 platform. For other titles or to verify prices, contact the catalog firms directly.

The OS/2 Software Shopper is broken into the following sections: