A List of the various SRE-Filter help files

                ------ Non-HTML files -------------
  A description of SRE-Filter's "additional, dynamic" privileges.
A description of SRE-Filters advanced options 
  History of older changes to SRE-Filter (ends in September, 1996).
  History of more recent changes (from September, 1996 to present)
  A description of COUNTER.RXX : a procedure for recording hits
  (both total, and by request).  Note that COUNTER.RXX can be invoked
  either as a server side include (using the INTERPRET keyphrase), or
  as an external procedure.
  A description of DIR: SRE-Filter's  built-in "directory lister".  Note
  that DIR is used when a !CREATE option is included in the AUTO_NAME
  Detailed description of SRE-Filter parameters. Also contains optimization
  hints, and a discussion of document redirection.
  A discussion of how you can use SRE-Filter to run CGI-BIN scripts
  written in PERL.
 READ.ME (in the GoServe working directory: )
  Installation instructions, acknowlegments, and disclaimer.
  Basic blurb describing SRE-Filter.
  A list of "frequently asked questions" regarding SRE-Filter.
  A discussion of the SREFQUIK variant of SREFILTR.
  Configuration information on SRE-Filter's common-log, browser log,
  and referer log audit features.
  A discussion of how to use the SHOWDIR "dynamic directory list processor"
  with SRE-Filter.
  List of format strings used by the <-- #config timefmt=format_string -->
  "HTTPD style" server side include directive.
  A short description of the UNZIPAPI DDL library

----- HTML files ----- FILELIST.HTM The "packing list" of files distributed with SRE-Filter. GUIDE.HTM The users guide to SRE-Filter -- tells you what SRE-Filter can do, and where to find out how to do it. HELPLIST.HTM This document. OUTLINE.HTM Technical outline of SRE-Filter -- useful for understanding the sequence of actions SRE-Filter follows when processing a request. SREFILTR.HTM The SRE-Filter manual (about 200k). This describes all aspects of SRE-Filter, and includes installation instructions and a glossary of terms. SUMMARY.HTM Summary and brief description of SRE-Filter.
----- Add-ons --- The following documentation files are included in the various SRE-Filter add-ons. SREFPRC1.DOC A discussion of some of the more useful "macrospace library" routines. Also contains a discussion of SRE-Filter's multi-threaded structure, and how one might replace certain components of SRE-Filter (such as the logon facility). FORUM.DOC A discussion of SRE-Filter's "multi-threaded discussion group" facility. READMAIL.DOC A discussion of SRE-Filter's READMAIL and MAILLIST "e-mail processor" facilities. Also contains a short discussion of OS/2's SENDMAIL daemon. GF_DOC.HTM A description of the GETAFILE "dynamic directory" display facility. SRCHINDX.DOC A description of SRE-Filter's front-end to the SWISH directory indexer. This provides an easy way of creating a "site specific" search engine.