zftpd VERSION HISTORY --------------------- v0.45Beta - Released 12th April 1997 - Environment variables ZD_HOSTIP ZD_HOSTNAME ZD_USERNAME ZD_TEMPFILE ZD_RETFILE ZD_CURDIR will be available in all Rexx scripts called from zftpd. - scripts\ and temp\ directory needed. - ZFTPSITE.CMD moved to scripts\zdSITE.cmd. - hostname checking from the access rules in zftpd.cfg implemented. - More of zftpd.cfg implemented. - AccessRules part of zftpd.cfg rewritten, check zftpd.cfg for details. v0.42Beta - - zftpd will now work under Warp 3.x. v0.41Beta - Released 29th March 1997 - Fixed DNS lookup function. - Fixed security bug in LIST and NLST functions. - Fixed loop bug in LIST and NLST functions. v0.40Beta - Released 24th March 1997 - Added support for SITE commands, also REXX file ZFTPSITE.CMD is with name of a file to return result in and the parameters from the command line. - Files are accessible during upload (DenyRead flag removed). - Simple WHO command available for SITE commands, also work on a ADMIN command started. ADMIN WHO and ADMIN KILL [slot#] works. v0.35Beta - Released 15th February 1997 - Password given for guest login now written to log. - Bug making guest logins allmost impossible fixed. - Size of username and passord increased to 32 characters. v0.30á - Released 3rd February 1997 - Support for guest users added. - CDUP now display dirinfo. - v access flag implemented, fixed access bug in RMD. - Some parts of tftpacct got better error checking, and '-am' now takes groupname and username instead of the id's. - Added 'change user password confirm' option to tftpacct. - Fixed mode and size info in '150 Opening ...' messages. - Fixed better display of accesses in NLST and LIST. Aslo, added '-s' parameter to show special accesses (include v and n in listing). - Short name of product changed from 'tftpd' to 'zftpd'. Long product name is still 'Terje's FTP Daemon for OS/2'. - Documentation file rewritten as a .html file. - Fixed Alt+Q to detect active connections and inform about Alt+X. v0.25á - Released 26th January 1997 - Access bug on DELE fixed. - Added possibility to have directory welcome files (.tftpd.dirinfo). - Fixed wrong description for "tftpd -p". - tftpd.ipi and tftpd.ipx gone already, specified new system for access rules, see in tftpd.cfg (only ipcheck and welcome files implemented yet). - Possible fix to loop with parameters given to NLST or LIST. - Removed '.*' from default directory listing. '-a' parameter will display them. - Added two new access levels, v (View only), n (No delete), please check your setup and the usage of 'tftpacct' has changed. v0.20á - Released 19th January 1997 - No longer possible to CWD to no existing directories. - DELE command activated. - IP filtering added (tftpd.ipi and tftpd.ipx are the magic files) - Fixed bad delete bug in "tfptacct". - Now KBytes are logged in receive/sent field, not Bytes. v0.15á - Released 18th January 1997 - Fixed statistics logging of number and size of transfers. - Fixed some stuff in the "tftpacct" program. - Fixed LIST and NLST bug when shares started at root level. v0.10á - Released 15th January 1997 - Fixed bug in NLST and LIST commands when trying to list other directories than the current one. - Fixed some other minor bugs found after releasing the 0.06á. v0.06á - Released 15th January 1997 - Added SYST command and fixed some other stuff. - Changed daemon to user forward slash (/) instead of backslash. - Real directory management implemented. - Fixed some response bugs. v0.05á - Released 10th January 1997 (limited release) - Fixed a lot of security - Login will now fail if no share access is found. - Possibly fixed resume, give me some feedback on this please. (This works with some clients) v0.04á - Released 5th January 1997 - Fixed date and time display in LIST and NLST. - Added support for -a and -l parameter to LIST and NLST. - Added support for logging. v0.03á - Released 4th January 1997 - Modified to accept ftp commands in any case. - Added MKD ftp command (Make Directory). - Added RMD ftp command (Remove Directory). - Added NLST ftp command (Name List). - Added wildchar support to LIST and NLST. v0.02á - First usable version