dependencing: 1. Unit aconst doesn't depend on. (Nuclear of the library) 2. Unit adatedit depends on: calpopup. (Nuclear of the library) 3. Unit adbgrid depends on: afilter, autofind, aconst, autodb. (Sorted TAutoDBGrid and AutoFind) 4. Unit afilter depends on: AutoDB. (Nuclear of the library) 5. Unit aflookup doesn't depend on. (Visial Filter Library) 6. Unit agridbtn depends on: adbgrid, calpopup, afilter, afilter, autofind, aconst, autodb. (Sorted TAutoDBGrid and AutoFind) 7. Unit autodb depends on: aconst. (Nuclear of the library) 8. Unit autofind doesn't depend on. (Sorted TAutoDBGrid and AutoFind) 9. Unit calpopup doesn't depend on. (Nuclear of the library) 10. Unit filtcomp depends on: afilter, aDatEdit, aflookup. (Visial Filter Library) 11. Unit Refer depends on: afilter, adbgrid. (Reference components) I. Nuclear of the library (5 componets + 2 object): aconst, adatedit and calpopup (TDateEdit, TDBDateEdit), afilter (TAutoFilter(object), TFilterLink), autodb (TMacros (object), TAutoQuery, TAutoTable). II. Sorted TAutoDBGrid and AutoFind: (5 components) adbgrid (TAutoDBGrid), agridbtn (TDBGridDateBtn, TDBGridImageBtn, TDBGridMemoBtn), autofind (TAutoFind). You should have: I. Nuclear of the library. III. Visial Filter Library: (9 components) aflookup, filtcomp (TEasyFilter,TCheckBoxFilter, TRadioGroupFilter, TListBoxFilter, TComboBoxFilter, TDateFilter, TMaskEditFilter, TLookupListFilter, TLookupComboFilter) You should have: I. Nuclear of the library. IV. Reference components (5 components) refer (TReference, TDBReference, TReferencePanel, TReferenceFilter, TDBGridRefBtn) You should have: I. Nuclear of the library and II. Sorted TAutoDBGrid and AutoFind.