I. The history Beta (30.12.96) 1) Now the context help is available (autohelp.hlp, autohelp.kwf, autohelp.cnt in the help directory '\help\...'). 2) The files dateedit.pas and dateedit.res were renamed into adatedit.pas and adatedit.res and the TDateEdit and TDBDateEdit into TAutoDateEdit and TAutoDBDateEdit to distinguish them form other similar components and not to appear the error message 'The .dcu has been compiled with wrong version' when you try to installing the Auto Component Library. 3) The example of using TReference component in '\Demos\refer' directory. Beta 1.5 (25.01.97) 1) Two components are added TLookUpComboFilter and TLookUpListFilter. They are more powerful then TDBLookUpComboBoxFilter and TDBLookUpListBoxFilter components. Use the Items property in this components. See the sql_filt example in the demos directory. 2) The SQL property Editor of the SQL property TAutoQuery is inherited from TStringListEditor. 3) The MacrossesFreeze property is added to TAutoQuery and TAutoTable (mfAlways, mfDesigning, mfNever). Assign it to mfDesigning or mfAlways if you don't want to change Macrosses value by Filter components at design time or every time. 4) The AssignEmpty property is added to TAutoFilter object. If the Value string is empty and AssignEmpty property is False the AutoFilter object won't change the linking macros and param properties. 5) The example of using TLookUpComboFilter component in '\Demos\sql_filt' directory. Beta 1.9 (7.01.97) 1) TDBGridDateBtn, TDBGridImageBtn,TDBGridMemoBtn,TDBGridReferBtn component were added. See example in '\Demos\gridbtn' directory. 2) TDBLookUpComboBoxFilter and TDBLookUpListBoxFilter components were removed from the library (use TLookUpComboFilter and TLookUpListFilter) Beta 1.91 (11.01.97) 1) We removed TDBGridReferBtn because it doesn't work under Delphi 2.01. (Sorry). Beta 2.0 (11.01.97) 1) We added TDBGridReferBtn again. 2) WITH ALL SOURCES !!! II. Bugs Beta 1.021 (30.12.96) 1) The bug with the popup calendar is fixed. Now you can use it with any Windows fonts. 2) The bug with changing of the TReferencePanel Style property is fixed. 3) The bug with the Filter Editor on using the 'View without macrosses' checkbox is fixed. 4) The bug with data conversion of the Value KeyField property of TReference is fixed. Beta 1.5 (25.01.97) 1) Some bugs with TCustomReference And TDBReference are killed. 2) Now if you link a Param of a Query (AutoQuery) with FilterLink which are situated in the different forms and then remove the Param from the Query the protection fault error will not appear beside it the exception ' has incorrect Param property' will be appear. 3) The bug with changing Left and Right properties of the TReferencePanel after executing component editor of the TReference is killed. Beta 1.9 (7.01.97) 1) The bug with American dates format in TAutoDateEdit and TDateFilter is killed. Now they check Widows format. Beta 1.91 (11.01.97) 1) We killed bug with the different version on DbGrids on installing of our components.