{**************************************************************************} { } { Calmira shell for Microsoft® Windows(TM) 3.1 } { Source Release 1.0 } { Copyright (C) 1997 Li-Hsin Huang, lhh@tribbles.demon.co.uk } { } { This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify } { it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by } { the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or } { (at your option) any later version. } { } { This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, } { but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of } { MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the } { GNU General Public License for more details. } { } { You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License } { along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software } { Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } { } {**************************************************************************} D E V E L O P E R ' S N O T E S ================================= Calmira was created using Borland Delphi for Windows 3.1. This package contains the source files and resources needed to recompile the program. Source files ============ Full source is supplied in SOURCE.ZIP. Make sure you re-create the stored directories when extracting the files -- if you are using PKUNZIP, add the -d switch. Four subdirectories will be created for you: SRC the main program covered by the license VCL public domain components UTILS public domain libraries HELP text and graphics to build the help file Adjust the search path in all the DPR files (Options|Project) to reflect your chosen directory structure. The other project settings should be left alone. All 4 project files should be compiled before attempting to run. Re-deploying ============ If you wish to release modified versions of Calmira, make sure that you read the GNU General Public License in the file LICENSE.TXT that is supplied with the binary files. (The public domain material may, of course, be used with no restrictions). Please do not use the filenames calmirXX.zip for uploading, since these might be used to distribute updated versions of the original source. You can your name derivative program anything you like for public distribution, so long as you follow the terms in the license. Components ========== You can compile a working copy of Calmira without installing the components, but you must install them in order to open the forms. These components are supplied: Component File Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAppHolder apholder.pas TApplication visual interface TBarGauge bargauge.pas Horizontal percentage bar TCheckList chklist.pas An array of checkboxes chklist.res TDragDrop dragdrop.pas Abstract ancestor for file drag-drop TDropClient dropclnt.pas Accepts files from other programs TDropServer dropserv.pas Drops files into other programs TFormDrag formdrag.pas Resizes forms without bsSizeable border TIconDialog icondlg.pas } iconsel.pas } Dialog box for selecting icons iconsel.dfm } TMultiGrid multigrd.pas Main control in icon windows TScrollTree scrtree.pas TOutline descandant with thumbtracking TStyleSpeed stylsped.pas TSpeedButton with new border styles To install, select [Options|Install Components], and select CALVCL.PAS, which will register all these components for you. TIconDialog is added to your Dialogs palette and the rest are placed on a new Calmira page. In addition, you must have all of the normal Delphi VCL components (except the database tools) and the sample TSpinEdit control in your design-time component library. Utilities ========= Library File Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drives drives.pas Disk drive detection Environment environs.pas Environment string management Extended form extform.pas Enhanced TForm object Files files.pas File copying, searching, some string fns Miscellaneous miscutil.pas Useful routines which enhance the VCL Object list objlist.pas TList descendant that frees TObjects Profile profile.pas Extended TIniFile Streamer streamer.pas TFileStream that reads/writes variables Strings strings.pas String formatting and manipulation Version Info verinfo.pas Searches for file version information Contacts -------- Post : Li-Hsin Huang 59 Bromefield Stanmore Middlesex HA7 1AG England, UK Email: lhh@tribbles.demon.co.uk WWW : http://www.tribbles.demon.co.uk/calmira/calmira.htm Visit the home page first, since it may contain FAQs, bug lists and programming tips.