IniOut is a Component Property Manager for Delphi 2.0. With it you can easily provide INI file and Registry support to your Delphi application with virtually no code and a very small runtime footprint. Currently, IniOut only supports Delphi 2.0 and 3.0. If you wish to be notified when a Delphi 1.0 version becomes available, or if you have general questions or comments about IniOut, please email me at Note that context-sensitive help is available within the IniOut dialog by pressing F1 or by selecting the question mark icon at the top right corner and then clicking on an area of the form. How To Install IniOut IniOut is installed into your component palette much like any other custom control. Simply copy all the included files into a single directory (or a directory where you store other custom controls) and then pick Component|Install from the Delphi IDE. Then click on Add and type in the name of the IniOut registration unit (INIREG.DCU). Click on OK and the component library will be rebuilt. IniOut is placed on the System tab of your component palette. Make sure you install INIREG.DCU and not INIOUT.DCU. You will get an error when the component library is rebuilt if you do. The code is split into design-time and run-time features to minimize memory usage. The INIOUT.DCU file will be compiled in with your application for use at run-time, but the INIREG.DCU unit is only used at design time and includes the property and component editors for IniOut. One further note At times, IniOut will generate silent exceptions when trying to convert and assign property values. These are normal and are only seen when you are running your application through the Delphi IDE and "Break On Exceptions" has been turned on from the Tools|Options menu. These exceptions are all nested in Try..Except structures, but Delphi will still tell you about them if you have this option turned on. Shareware Notice The downloadable version of IniOut is a slightly restricted demo version. For a mere US$20 you can get the full version from me by mail or email. The added features in the full version include: 1. Registry SupportRegistry_Support 2. Complex property types (Methods, Fonts, Sets, etc.) 3. No limit of properties managed 4. Free maintenance updates If your version number at the top of the IniOut dialog ends with an 's', you are running the shareware version. You can use CompuServe's SWREG system to register this component if you wish the ID# for IniOut is #14633. Full source code is also available through me for US$99. Send your check or money order to: Robert Vivrette PO Box 1947 Swansboro, NC 28584-1947 Make checks payable to "Robert Vivrette". Be sure to include your email address (if you have one) so I can send you the appropriate version electronically. Sorry, but at this time I am unable to accept credit card orders. If you wish to contact me via email, I can be reached at