Martin Platt Compuserve ID: 100735,2541 Internet: http:\\\homepages\software_solutions Thanks for trying this piece of software. TSSCalculator : An easy to use Delphi 2 32-bit component for Windows 95 or NT. Zip File contents: license.wri - license details softcal.dcu - calculator compiled unit softcalc.dfm - calculator form sscomp.dcu - Software Solutions component file sscomp.dcr - Software Solutions resource file reame.txt - this file file_id.diz - brief description Install: 1. Choose "Options|Install Components" from the Delphi Menu. 2. Click "ADD" and enter (or browse for) SSCOMP.DCU 3. Click "Ok" and after recompile the TSSComponent will appear on the SoftSol tab of your component palette. Use: Place the TSSCalculator component on a form and call with this command: SSCalculator1.Execute ; Suggestions etc. to the above email.