PCI Bridge Technology White Paper Jim Murashige, Adaptec PCI Architecture Overview A fundamental element of the PCI architecture is the concept of Bridges. Very simply, Bridges are system building blocks that allow traffic on one bus to cross over to another bus. The buses that a Bridge connects together may be very similar or very different. This feature allows a system to have any combination of CPU, Legacy I/O and PCI buses. Bridges handle all of the protocol and translation details. Many new, innovative, high performance architectures are possible using Bridges. A common configuration in PCI PC systems is shown in figure 1. (figure not available in text file) Figure 1 - A Common PCI System Configuration In figure 1, a CPU bus is bridged to a PCI bus which in turn is bridged to a LegacyI/O bus. Any CPU or Legacy I/O bus can be supported as long as the corresponding Bridge is available. Bridges in PCI systems are typically single chip devices, part of an off the shelf chipset with which a complete system can easily be designed. The PCI bus can support single chip PCI devices or add-in card connectors. In order to operate at the high speeds that are possible with PCI, the PCI Specification defines a limit of 10 loads on any PCI bus. A single chip PCI device is considered to be 1 load and an add-in card with connector is counted as 2 loads. Given this limit, PCI buses are typically limited to 3 or 4 add-in card connectors. With the popularity of PCI, it’s easy to need more add-in card slots than are available in a system. Bridges solve this limitation. PCI-PCI Bridges Expand Connectivity Bridges may connect PCI buses to PCI buses in which case they are called PCI-PCI Bridges or PPB’s for short. Using a PPB to create another PCI bus in the system gives us another 10 loads to add more add-in slots. PPBs can also enable expansion by being placed on add-in cards to create multi- channel combinations. Common multi-channel add-in cards currently available include SCSI and Ethernet. PCI allows the addition of up to 256 different PCI buses. Figure 2 shows a typical multiple PCI bus configuration. (figure not available in text file) Figure 2 - A Multiple PCI Bus Configuration Additional PCI buses may be nested to any level to form an inverted tree topology. From any given point in the tree there may be a PCI Bus above or below you. Buses above you are said to be Upstream while buses below you are said to be Downstream. A disadvantage to being located on a lower level PCI bus is that the latency time to form a connection through all the Bridges in the system can become high causing choppy data bursting performance. PCI-PCI Bridges Improve Performance While the latency time to connect to a lower level PCI bus may be higher, a separate PCI bus can improve overall system performance by off-loading processing to local PCI buses. This reduces bus traffic and increases system throughput. This is a common technique in add-in card architectures where local processing off-loads the main CPU. Two examples of PPB add-in card connectivity and performance improvement are shown in figure 3. (figure not available in text file) Figure 3 The AHA-3940 takes advantage of PPB expansion to put 2 SCSI channels behind a bridge. The AHA-3985 takes advantage of PPB local processing to perform on board RAID parity calculations. Supporting PCI-PCI Bridges For PPBs to work, devices on downstream buses must be accessible by their driver software, independent of the bus topology used. The only distinction possible is that the downstream device has a different bus number. In order to do this, the system BIOS firmware must correctly initialize the PCI Bridge architecture and the host chipset bridge must support PPB architectures. On power-up initialization, the system BIOS firmware must correctly identify all PCI buses in the system and all PCI devices in the system, then assign non-overlapping I/O and Memory resources to everyone. This includes PCI buses and devices on the motherboard as well as add-in cards. The PPBs act as gate keepers to all downstream buses and devices. PPBs are programmed with the bus numbers above and below it as well as the I/O and Memory resource ranges of all devices behind it. They pass along bus cycles based on the ranges programmed into them. A host chipset bridge must be able to correctly pass down PCI configuration cycles so that the system BIOS firmware can correctly identify all PCI devices in the system. The host bridge must also follow the access ordering rules defined by PCI, otherwise coherency problems and system deadlocks can occur. Details on PPB implementation are found in the "PCI to PCI Bridge Architecture Specification v1.0 4/5/94" available from the PCI SIG (800) 433-5177, (503) 797-4207 Other Bridge Topologies Early PCI systems adapted their existing VL designs to PCI by adding a VL to PCI Bridge to the system as show in figure 4. While not offering optimal PCI performance, these systems had the benefit of being able to offer VL, PCI and ISA slots for add-in cards. (figure not available in text file) Figure 4 VL-PCI System To avoid the latency problems of going through several levels of bridging, some systems use a peer bus architecture as shown in figure 5. One of the peer PCI buses is utilized as shown previously and the other is used only for slot connector expansion. With both PCI buses at the same level, access latencies are minimized. However synchronizing transactions on the CPU side become more complex. (figure not available in text file) Figure 5 Peer PCI Bus System Summary PCI systems make extensive use of bridging to achieve innovative, high performance architectures. Through bridging, systems may be customized for slot expansion. Bridging on add-in cards can add multiple channels or improve performance by off-loading the CPU. However to take advantage of all that bridging can offer, system BIOS firmware and chipset silicon need to be able to support bridge operation.