Program Features ---------------- Perforin for Winword is a 32-bit antivirus specifically designed to deal with macro viruses that target documents in Word 6/7 format. The current implementation runs on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, but not on Win 3.x. We are making the trial edition freely available so that you can determine if Perforin meets your needs before purchase. Registration for the junior edition costs only $40 including shipping and handling in the U.S. The trial edition is significantly functional; it will scan for and remove over 500 currently known macro viruses. It is missing a few advanced features, and it will expire after the date shown in the About box. See the ORDER.TXT for detailed registration information. Perforin is a professionally developed product. We strive to improve it based on user suggestions. Please feel free to contact us if you think we should add a certain feature or even remove one. We make the latest signature database and program updates available for download at our website at: The following are some of Perforin's currently implemented features: - It can scan for and disinfect over 600 WinWord known macro viruses. - GPF-proof implementation even when using the buggy MS OLE2 DLLs. - It can identify, report, and remove multiple infections. - Reliable yet fast operation. Perforin examines all files not just ones with .DOC or .DOT extensions since the name of a file is not a good indicator of its contents. Perforin does not risk missing some infected documents just because they are named differently. Many products will miss them by default. - Instant signature updates over the Internet at the click of a button. - Automatic reminders to update the signatures if the database is older than 6 weeks. - Frequent updates to identify newly discovered variants. - Suspicious document quarantine and isolation capability. - Heuristic scan capability to isolate new viruses. - Ability to scan automatically inside PkZIP compressed archives. - Flexible operation for advanced users. You can disinfect just the way you want. Many options to choose from. - Context-sensitive help. - Readable online documentation with brief information on dozens of common macro viruses. - ZooSort option that can turn a bunch of infected documents into a well-organized directory tree based on the CARO names of known macro viruses. This feature uses long filenames. - Audit log that shows each infected file and the virus found. - Long filename support and 32-bit implementation for Win95 and NT 4.0. - Compatible with FAT32 and NTFS partitions. - Excellent network support and UNC compatible path usage. - Includes a simple installation program that automates creating a shortcut, and adding the necessary registry keys. - Automatic uninstall feature thru Setting|Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs. - Fairly self-contained operation. Perforin installs only one DLL if it is needed to enable MS Internet APIs. This DLL is distributed with the Win95 OSR2 release. It is required only if you have the Aug '95 release. All other files Perforin installs or creates during its operation are confined to the Perforin home directory. - Free program updates for a year over the Internet. - Self-check capability to recognize if Perforin.exe and the signature database are damaged or modified. - Suspicious document upload to our tech support area over the Internet at the click of a button. - External signature support. You can easily create an external signature file (a text file) that contains identification and cleaning data for new variants that you may encounter. All you need is an infected document that did not have any macros before infection. - Examine Document capability to browse thru the macros in a document without having to worry about activating the virus. No more risky ToolsMacro problems. You can zap macro at a time, save macros to a file, and more. Researcher options. - Simple and elegant user interface with tooltips, right-click help, tabbed dialogs, status bar, 3D-look ... - Affordable prices to fit everyone's budget. The junior edition can be had only for $40 including S/H in the States. The "pro" edition sells for $80 and offers some advanced features that can be helpful to consultants or to those in charge of tech support. The "junior" is all what most people will ever need to scan and clean their documents. The "research" edition is free of charge to qualified individuals on a per-request basis. It has certain features that could be misused, and therefore it is not publicly distributed. Site licenses are available. Contact us for details.