-------------------------------------------------------------- I D Y L E S O F T W A R E ' s T R A Y M I N I M I Z E R -------------------------------------------------------------- What's new: v1.20 - Added settings for each program so that user can configure one app. For example, one app might first show a dialog to ask for a password, then really show itself. Another app might take so long to load that TrayMinimizer wouldn't grasp its handle. This is one done as all apps have separate settings. It should then add more apps to TrayMinimizer's working app list. v1.20 - Added compatibility to start application according to start status of TrayMinimizer shortcut (normal, minimized, maximized) v1.10 - Added a dialog box to select a program to run if none was specified in the command line -------------------------------------------------------------- WWW: http://pages.infinit.net/idyle/idyle-soft/itm/ E-Mail: idyle@usa.net --------------------------------------------------------------