ShutDown NOW! v2.0ß - BetaTest Form: ------------------------------------ Please use this form for sending comments, hints, error-reports about this beta version of ShutDown NOW! If you find an error that nobody has found before, you can get a free single-user (lifetime) license of ShutDown NOW!, if you report it correctly in this form and send it to my e-mail: ------------------------------------cut here (You can delete the next lines, if you send the form:) While I am writing the documentation, drawing new icons and updating the WEB pages for ShutDown NOW!, it is time to tell me every error (or what you think that an error is), remarks and suggestions. - If I'm ready, no changes can be made - and you will have either trouble or much fun with ShutDown NOW! (... I think this Beta is near ready and it shows that it will be fun! ...) I have spent ~ 200-240 hours from v1.2 to this (in one month - yes!), never slept enough, never eaten enough ... - ask my poor dog (her name is Tinka). You ask why I'm so crasy? - I am dreaming of money and fame (don't you do that too?). - Since 1987, as I began (C128, Atari, PC) - ... my first program was a lotto program, drawing colored circles for each ball, winning 40 DM ($25) the first time, I used it, - ... I have programed many things, - but ShutDown NOW! is the sum of all and with your help, it will be the best of my work (... excluding my bad English). ------------------------------------cut here Beta-Tester (* = required): --------------------------- Company: First name*: Last name*: E-Mail*: URL: Street/P.O.-Box: City: State: Country: Tel.: FAX: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following informations are neccessary! Your Hardware: -------------- CPU (e.g. 486, P133, PPro200): RAM: MB [ ] PCI System [ ] AT/E-IDE System [ ] both [ ] SCSI-Controller, Model / Manufacturer: Display Adapter Model / Manufacturer: Your Software: -------------- Language of your Operating System?: Windows®: [ ] Win95 [ ] WinNT, version: [ ] Win3.1x -[ ] with win32 OS-Updates/Fixes/Servicepacks: [ ] Win95 SP1 / [ ] WinNT4 SP No.:[ ] / WinNT351 SP No.: [ ] [ ] Win95 Kernel Update / [ ] OLE Update NetWork: [ ] only Internet / [ ] only other / [ ] both [ ] I use the following Symantec programs: (Important, because there are some incompatibilities with SHDN!) [ ] - Norton Anti-Virus [ ] - Norton Navigator [ ] TaskList loaded at boot [ ] - Norton Utilities - If you log on into your OS, do you log on with administrator priviledges? (Yes [ ] / No [ ] / [ ] don't know) - Free Space on the Swap-Drive: (... Where Windows® has its swap-file, normally \WINDOWS or root-dir.) - Is your system's date correct? (Yes [ ] / No, wasn't [ ]) - Is your harddisk error-free? (Yes [ ] / No, wasn't [ ]) (Use SCANDISK to test ALL drives!) - Do you have a new(er) anti-virus scanner? (Yes [ ] / No [ ]) - If yes, how often do you scan all your drives? ([ ]permanently / [ ] once a day / [ ] weekly) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please describe what has happend (your troubles with ShutDown NOW! v2.0 Beta): (Add new lines, if neccessary.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ShutDown NOW! has shown error-parameters or GetLastError messages, please list them here: (Add new lines, if neccessary.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some additional questions: (Add new lines, if neccessary.) How do you like ShutDown NOW!? ------------------------------ Do you think, that it is fast enough? ------------------------------------- Would you think that it is a product for everybody? ([ ] Yes / [ ] No) ... and now very inportant!: ... -------------------------------- Which special things do you need in addition? --------------------------------------------- How often do you use SHDN? -------------------------- [ ] more than once a day / [ ] once a day / [ ] sometimes in a week [ ] I cannot use it Do you know of someone else who uses it? ([ ] Yes / [ ] No) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's all (puh!) ... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING ME SO FAR! ... As I said, you will get a free single license, if your answers are complete and you have outfind a new error, that nobody has found before. - But even if you have come to this line, and answered all (most of) my questions, I think that it is enough to get a free license for this Beta! - I'll send you your key (only valid for this Beta) to your e-mail address, if you send me the form until: ************************ April 30'th 1997. *****************************