ShutDown NOW! Beta - Installation Text: --------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: ------------- 1.) Copy SHDN.EXE and all Icons (*.ICO) into a directory of your choice. 2.) Make a shortcut of SHDN.EXE on your desktop (or where ever you want). BETA TEST HINTS: ---------------- You should know following things, if you are interested in beta-testing this program (because this Beta comes without documentation): a) ShutDown NOW! is now fully commandline supported too! Please go to a commandline and type: SHDN /? (or SHDN /HELP, or SHDN /H) to get an overview of all possible options and commandline parameters! b) If you don't like the new window-animations or have errors, you can disable them by either unchecking 'Animated Windows' on page 2 of the Controls settings in the Options Notebook, or by setting the entry: [Controls] to [Controls] WinAni=1 WinAni=0 in the SHDN.INI file in your Windows® directory. c) You can control SHDN!'s main window by keyboard now: 'O' = Options (Notebook) / 'T' = move to system tray 'I' = Information Window, Registry Form / 'P' = pause timer 'S' = stop timer AND! : '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0' ------ for each item in the Shutdown Combo-ListBox !!! In addition to that, every tab of the notebook is now selectable by its first letter (even if it not visible)! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so far so good! - Please read the BETATEST.TXT ! (Even if you are not a usual beta-tester.) - Everything else must be self-explaining until the (Win-HELP) documentation is updated. - Feel free to register ShutDown NOW!, because you will get a LIFE-TIME !!! license for only $15 (please open the Information Window of ShutDown NOW! to get a (now) printable form for that and all further information about prices, multi-user/machine licenses, etc.)