Q: - WSOCK32 does not work at all A: WIN95 copied the original MS WINSOCK.DLL from the system backup folder to \WINDOWS or MS WSOCK32.DLL to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Check the sizes of both files, make sure you have the right DLLs at these locations and set them to read-only file attributes. e.g. C:\>attrib +r \WINDOWS\WINSOCK.DLL C:\>attrib +r \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSOCK32.DLL Q: - I get the following error message from WSOCK32.DLL: "Could not attach WSA32SRV.DLL V5.XX.XX" A: The version of WSOCK32 has to match exactly the version of WSA32SRV.DLL. Probably you have several copies of those files on your disk and a wrong copy of WSA32SRV.DLL is getting loaded through your PATH environment. C:\>dir \WSA32SRV.DLL /s will show you all. There should not be any copy except the one in \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Make sure you have the right versions there. Q: - WS_FTP32/95 does not work with CompuServe`s 16bit WINSOCK A: Activate in WS_FTP: Options / Session Options / Use PASV Transfer Mode and it will work. Q: - I get an error message telling me, ordinal #### cannot be loaded A: Ordinal numbers greater than 151 are not compatible to the Windows Sockets Specification 1.1 and also not implemented in the most 16bit WINSOCKs. As WSOCK32 works as a converter, it can not convert what is not present. If you get these errors using NT I strictly recommend to remove MS/TCP. Q: - MS PING reports a "General failure" MS PING uses the WsControl() function call (which is not part of the Windows Sockets Specification 1.1). As I couldn`t get a detailed description of this function it is only partially implemented. Q: - I don't want to use WSOCK32; How can I remove it? A: Restart your PC in native DOS mode; remove it with the following commands: C:\>cd \WINDOWS\SYSTEM C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM>attrib -r WSOCK32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM>del WSOCK32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM>copy WSOCK32.MS WSOCK32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM>cd .. C:\WINDOWS>attrib -r WINSOCK.DLL C:\WINDOWS>del WINSOCK.DLL C:\WINDOWS>copy WINSOCK.MS WINSOCK.DLL Q: - I get an error message when using the T-Online-Decoder saying, that "32bit support can't be loaded" A: Change the settings in "\DECODER\DATA\USERFSCK.INI to: [Options] Load32=Nein Beende Anwendungen=Nein Q: - How to start Frontpage offline? A: - install Win95 TCP/IP - install Frontpage - test --- (great, works! if not restart at beginning) /// standard up to here /// - save MS \WINDOWS\WINSOCK.DLL and MS \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSOCK32.DLL (best is to rename those files, e.g. WSOCK32.MS) - install "Eric's WSOCK32" as described in README.TXT - copy the 16bit MS WINSOCK.DLL into Frontpage's program directory e.g. to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage\bin" - In Win95 start menu (and everywhere else where Frontpage will be started by a double click) change it's working directory under properties to Frontpage's program directory e.g. to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage\bin" Notice: Frontpage will only work offline with these settings.