GateKpr v 2.30.11 ----------------- 1. Minor change in GateKpr to try to fix the problem created by GoldEd which does not put in the MSGTO kludge and caused an incorrect zone to be put in the destination address. GateKpr v 2.30.10 ----------------- 1. Cut the display of all areas in GateKpr when AdeptToss is found. GateKpr v 2.30.09 ----------------- 1. GateKpr now uses buffered file i/o consistent with Adept. GateKpr v 2.30.08 ----------------- 1. Added support code to ignore squish and fido msg areas. GateKpr v 2.30.06 ----------------- 1. Added BK's crash mail is how he explains it... :) Crash NMail rolled in Part II OK, no probs reported so either no fearless guys out there, or it works ;> I changed the crash - routing behavior: If a crash flag is found the address mask of this node is copied to the first position of your routing statements. [Example] if your routing looks like the following Route HOLD 55:50/0.0@ADEPTNET zip.exe -m -j Route 55.*.*.*.* HOLD 55:50/0.0@Adeptnet zip.exe -m -j and you wrote a crash mail to hagar, 55:64/0.0, your routing will temporarily changed into Route CRASH 55:64/0.0@Adeptnet Route HOLD 55:50/0.0@ADEPTNET zip.exe -m -j Route 55.*.*.*.* HOLD 55:50/0.0@Adeptnet zip.exe -m -j *without* saving these changes to your gatekpr.ctl! You may now wrote as many crash mails as u want at the same time and yur normal routing will take place, too. GateKpr v 2.30.05 ----------------- 1. Corrects a TIC problem as pointed out by GrKnight... GateKpr v 2.30.04 ----------------- 1. Fixed the pkt header to conform to specs. 2. Removed the heavy kludge in the netmail scanning which would read the Area control file for every message to determine the packet type for that route. 3. Fixed the VAC build to make the correct packet types while removing the kludge as doc'd in #2 above. Should be much faster in scanning now... GateKpr v 2.30.02 ----------------- This GateKpr fixes a prob where the Zone would default to 0 if GateKpr could not guess the correct Zone for some reason. AFAIK, since the Zone cannot be 0, it will now default to the originating Zone rather than 0. GateKpr 2.30.00 and above support the AdepToss.Log as does the VAC build of Adept 1.09.50m and above.