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This requires converting the font to an .OBJ file using BINOBJ and then creating a .TPU file following the same procedures for BGI drivers and fonts in Borland's slowpoke BGI interface. Refer to the file GUI_UNIT.PAS, PROCEDURE LoadGemFonts; for more details. GEM fonts are manipulated by identifiers in the form of pointers. The same color settings and text settings that control the use of BGI fonts in Borland's slowpoke BGI also control the use of GEM fonts, with these few differences: A. The normal BGI text settings for font and size are ignored. GEM fonts are always drawn at their native size. B. Two text directions in addition to the two available for BGI fonts can be specified in a call to GEMFONTU's SetTextDirection. They are: 0 - Horizontal, normal left to right text output. 1 - Vertical, normal bottom to top text output. 2 - Vertical, from top to bottom, rotated 90 degrees clockwise. For this direction, left justification means that the top (beginning) of the text is at the current position, center justification means that half the text is above the current position and half below, and right justification means that the bottom (end) of the text is at the current position. 3 - Vertical, from top to bottom, without rotation. The meaning of justification is the same as for 2. The "Vert" setting is interpreted as applying to the horizontal positioning of the characters relative to the X coordinate of the current position. TopText causes the left edges of the characters to be aligned at X. CenterText causes the characters to be centered at X. BottomText causes the right edges of the characters to be aligned at X. NOTE: Due to improper techniques used by some people in creating GEM fonts, some of the above modes may not work correctly. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ} INTERFACE TYPE TWordArray0 = ARRAY[0..32766] OF WORD; PWordArray0 = ^TWordArray0; TByteArray0 = ARRAY[0..65534] OF BYTE; PByteArray0 = ^TByteArray0; TExtendedGEMFontHeader = RECORD CharacterOffsetTablePtr : PWordArray0; { Extended portion begins here } FontDataPtr : PByteArray0; AllocatedBytes : WORD; FontID : WORD; { True font header begins here } PointSize : WORD; FontName : ARRAY[0..31] OF CHAR; LowASCII : WORD; HighASCII : WORD; Top : INTEGER; Ascent : INTEGER; Half : INTEGER; Descent : INTEGER; Bottom : INTEGER; WidestCharacterWidth : WORD; WidestCellWidth : WORD; LeftOffset : INTEGER; RightOffset : INTEGER; Thickness : WORD; UnderscoreThickness : WORD; LightTextMask : WORD; ItalicTextMask : WORD; Flags : WORD; HorizontalOffsetTableOffset : LONGINT; CharacterOffsetTableOffset : LONGINT; FontDataOffset : LONGINT; SpanWidth : WORD; Height : WORD; NextFontOffset : LONGINT END; PExtendedGEMFontHeader = ^TExtendedGEMFontHeader; PROCEDURE SetTextDirection(D : WORD); {^Sets the direction of the text to be displayed. Refer to the description in the introductory comments in the above for more details. } FUNCTION GEMTextHeight(GEMFontID : POINTER; TextString : STRING) : WORD; {^If GEMFontID is a valid identifier of a GEM font, this function returns the character height of TextString in pixels when drawn in font GEMFontID. (The character height is identical with the cell height of the font.) Otherwise the function returns 0. (The function makes no use of TextString, since the cell height is an attribute of the font. TextString is included simply for symmetry with the TextWidth function.) } FUNCTION GEMTextWidth(GEMFontID : POINTER; TextString : STRING) : WORD; {^If GEMFontID is a valid identifier of a GEM font, this function returns the width of TextString in pixels when drawn in font GEMFontID. Otherwise it returns 0. } FUNCTION LoadGEMFont(FontFileName : PathStr; VAR Leading, ErrorCode : WORD) : POINTER; {^This function loads a GEM font from file FontFileName, sets Leading to the cell height of the font and ErrorCode to 0, and returns an identifier for the font. If, however, an error occurs during the attempt to load the font, the function returns NIL with ErrorCode set to one of these codes: 1 - The file is too large for LoadGEMFont to process. 2 - There isn't enough heap memory to store the font. 3 - The file doesn't contain a GEM font. } PROCEDURE OutGEMText(GEMFontID : POINTER; TextString : STRING); {^If GEMFontID is a valid identifier of a GEM font, TextString is drawn at the current position in that font. The text is clipped at the boundaries of the screen. The current position is updated only if the direction is horizontal and justification is left (if the direction is left to right) or right (if the direction is right to left). However, if GEMFontID isn't a valid identifier, no action is taken. } PROCEDURE OutGEMTextXY(GEMFontID : POINTER; X, Y : INTEGER; TextString : STRING); {^Like OutGEMText,except that the text is drawn at position (X,Y) rather than the current position. Also, the current position isn't updated under any circumstances. } FUNCTION RegisterGEMFont(LinkedGEMFontPtr : POINTER; VAR Leading, ErrorCode : WORD) : POINTER; {^LinkedGEMFontPtr is the address of the external name of a GEM font that was linked into the .EXE file from a unit. The function returns an identifier for the font, sets Leading to the cell height of the font, and sets ErrorCode to 0. However, if an error is detected, the function returns NIL with Leading set to 0 and ErrorCode set to one of these codes: 1 - LinkedGEMFontPtr is NIL. 2 - There isn't enough heap memory for the control information created by the function. 3 - LinkedGEMFontPtr doesn't point to a GEM font. } PROCEDURE UnloadGEMFont(VAR GEMFontID : POINTER); {^The GEM font identified by GEMFontID is removed from memory and GEMFontID is set to NIL. } {ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ}