* * * Poker Bandit * * * RELEASE History This is the History file to indicate what changes, corrections and additions I have done. 6/18/97 - ver 2.1 - Added in ability to save and view scores from previous months (up to a year). Also fixed a few things with the IBBS play. 6/01/96 - ver 2.0 - Added InterBBS play 7/17/94 - ver 1.1 - Minor nits cleaned up 9/15/93 - ver 1.0 - Release version - Added arm movement - Changed Bet movement keys from 4/6 to 8/2 for furture addition - Fixed display on Makeup Days screen 9/12/93 - ver .52beta - Added all kinds of things. 09/5/93 - Ver .50 - Poker Bandit released for Beta