Look! You can make beautiful web pages! With beautiful backgrounds!

Invite your friends to make web pages and upload them. You can have your own web site! The registered version of this TERRIFIC program is only US $ 9.95, and supports HUNDREDS, maybe THOUSANDS of web pages.

Click here to return to the first page.

Check out our NEW door game for BBS's. It uses the same I-comm www internet browser that you are using now, it has SVGA graphics, stereo sound effects, beautiful fonts, and a world wide web look and feel! It's called Operation Alien, and you can play it on our BBS.

Hypernet Software BBS (313)386-8292 Detroit, USA area, on internet http://www.gatecom.com/~hypernet

We write 3d games, door games, Professional Software, utilities for DOS, Windows, linux, and WAY COOL WEB SERVERS FOR BBS'S!!!!

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