Arachne local homepage

Copyright (c)1996,1997 xChaos software (TM) All rights reserved

Operating system ? Why ? Use Arachne WWW browser instead ! :-)

If you are offline, you can use the buttons above to navigate local Arachne Web. Some other links in this document are working only if you are connected to Internet. Most important online link for you is Arachne online homepage, where you can get the latest version of Arachne. More information: Distribution and licensing:

Author of the Arachne WWW browser (me):

Arachne is partly based on work of following companies and individuals: Notes:

LZW algorithm in GIF files is implemented in IBASE group graphics library X_LOPIF since 1992.

Arachne was written in C language and compiled using Borland C++ 3.1 compiler. It was compiled, linked, debugged and tested on my noname computer, which don't exceeds minimal configuration: 386DX/40, 8 MB, 600 MB HDD, Trident 512 kB SVGA, 14" color monitor, 14400 noname faxmodem, DOS, Desqview.

In Greek language, Arachne means spider. According to ancient Greek legend, Arachne was a name of woman, who was punished by gods - they turned her into a spider.