Klos PPP dialer setup

The Klos PPP is shareware copyrighted by Klos Technologies, Inc, with homepage at http://www.klos.com/. If you want to use, get the self extracting archive pppshare.exe from this page and place it to the same directory as Arachne is installed (make sure that Arachne directory is also the working directory). When you are ready, you can install Klos PPP by pressing the button above. Klos PPP will overwrite the default EtherPPP dialer, so if you want to return back to EtherPPP, you will have to reinstall Arachne completely (from distribution package). Re-installing Klos PPP will also overwrite Klos PPP configuration files.

TCP/IP and modem settings
You have to configure the Klos PPP dialer using the button above. Than restart Arachne in main setup screen. You will see dialing page and you after pressing "Dial" button you will enter pppmenu.exe. After succesful connection with Klos PPP, first wait until "IP Open" message appears in the right corner of the screen. Than choose "Exit PPP connection" from menu. This will return you to Arachne and keep PPP connection open.
Nameservers (please do not use default values)
1 st 2 nd (optional)