------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65G Fixed the output to the .MXP file when there was no "From:" or "Date:" in the original recipe file. PROBLEM: Brenda 'busted' a file which was a created text file, without any "From" or "Date" like you would see from the list. Very unexpected results! Changed the output to all recipe files, that if the from (t_from) and/or date (t_date) variables were zero-length, not to print anything for them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65H Fixed problem where "]]]]]" was being put into .MXP file. PROBLEM: The last ]]]]] got put into the recipe file. I had left code which I was testing for the upcoming MM->MC conversion in the program. Commented out those lines, and everything was fine again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65I Updated "footer" so it could be on one line, or have multiple lines which ended in "++". PROBLEM: Footer line allowance could be too long (1024). Changed footer checking routine to allow for both the 1024 character long line, but added feature that checks end of footer line. If ++ is at the end of the line, read another line, add to end of current footer variable. Check again for the "++", etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65J Fixed the poor spacing in the .DON file. Added in the version number on the start-up screen. Changed the way I was sending new programs to Brenda and Pat. PROBLEM: Lines getting written to the DON file had all leading spaces stripped out, messing up the looks of the output. Fixed the problem of stripping out all the leading spaces when writing lines back to the .DON file. Problem was in the main() routine, stripping out leading spaces so the program could check for "Date", etc, in character position 1, in case a space got inserted by mistake. Copied incoming text line into temp_buf before stripping out the leading spaces. PROBLEM: Can't figure out which version it is! Added a line to print the version number at top of screen when program displays directory and asks for filename to be input. Also started naming the zip files with version number (BUST165J.ZIP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65K Removed the poster's string from .DON. Stripped trailing spaces in MasterCook recipes. PROBLEM: Fixing 1st problem under 1.65J caused extra problems! Now, the poster's string gets written to the .DON file after each recipe is busted. Was using temp_buf to save original line to, unfortunately, temp_buf is the variable used when creating the poster string, when any break_recipe returned, the original text line variable had gotten changed to the poster string. Added new variable (temp_line[1024]) and used that to store the original line and print out to the .DON file. PROBLEM: MasterCook recipes sometimes appear with extra spaces at end of line. Added a call to del_end_spaces() after reading in each line while inside the break_mc() routine. This will cut all trailing spaces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65L Removed the "* Exported by" from the .OUT file after a recipe was cut out. Fixed the title case when a quote (") was in the title. PROBLEM: After busting a recipe, "* Exported by ....." got placed into the .OUT file. Similar to problems above! Storing the recipe file line into temp_line kept the resulting lines in .OUT looking proper. But, when the program returned from busting a recipe, the header tag which told it that a recipe had been found was STILL in variable temp_line (i.e. "---------- Recipe via", "* Exported via MasterCook", etc)! So it got printed to the out file! Added a line which blanks out the temp_line variable whenever a valid recipe is found. Now only a blank with no linefeed gets printed to the .OUT file. PROBLEM: Changing titles to Upper&Lower case incorrectly changed the left the first letter lower case if it followed the QUOTE symbol. Title case-changing routine was only testing for DASHES and SLASHES! Added in the test for a QUOTE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65M Fixed the many problems: Improper Caps in titles, notes missing in Mac recipes, problem with finding recipe headers imbedded in text lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65N Fixed more title problems with odd spaced around dashes, etc.... YAHOO! Fixed problem of buster hanging when file ends too soon! PROBLEM: Buster would hang with the very last thing in a file was the MC recipe separator (- - - - - etc)! Now, I open the recipe file, copy it to a temp working file, and print 4 lines of text to it (contains 2 linefeeds, "Processed by Recipe Buster", linefeed) to the temp file, then use the temp file for input! That way there is something at the end of the file! Temp file is erased after processing done! HURRAY! Thank you Pat!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65O Brenda wanted different date formats, and "notes" in the config file! They are there now! For the date, use "DATE: " plus whatever format you want! Note that this MUST be outside of a recipe, just like the message dates are. And the next "Date: " or "DATE: " it sees, will overwrite it! Use a pound sign (#) as the first character in a line on the config file and it will be ignored by the program. Any notes can be there. If the notes span more that one line, a "#" MUST be in front of each line! PROBLEM: Can't use any date other that message header format. Added in a check for "DATE: ", and copy to the t_date variable. When printing out ending of recipe in print_mc_ending(), did a check if t_date had data in it, if so, check if it started with "DATE: " or "Date: "; if the former, just assign the date as is, without any manupulation of the heading date. PROBLEM: Needed a way to put notes into the config file. Added a check in the main() routine where the config file gets read in and placed into the digests[i].dname, checked if the first character in inbuf[] was a "#", and if so, just ignore the line and move on. It also checks for blank lines, and ignores them too! That way, the lines with notes can be separated from the other lines with blanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65P OOPS! Wasn't printing the footer into the MM recipes! Had a problem when a recipe ingredient line started with a "(". All fixed! PROBLEM: MM recipe file .MMF wasn't getting the footer. Had left the footer breaking code out of the break_mm(void) routine! PROBLEM: If a ingredient line started with a "(", like "(2 ounces)", and nothing else followed, it would output "(2 ounces) (2 ounces)". I had inadvertently checked the t_amt variable for being 8-spaces, should have been the 9-spaces variable! Fixed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65Q Everybody seemed to have problems getting the ingredients into lower case! Dummy me! I was over-writing the "lower_case" variable with the "mc_notes" variable!!!! Now, if you specify "LOWERCASE=YES" it works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65R Fixed the posting string input, which was allowing too many characters to be read in, overflowing the string. Only 75 can be input now. Changed the categories routine on the unformatted recipes so that the first letter will be in CAPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65S Fixed the problem when the very last line in a file was a line at the end of a MC recipe (i.e. NOTES, etc.) Fixed the problem of [[[[[ recipes not getting the categories with a first letter capitalized. Added a new switch to the config file: "xxx,B,yyy..." where 'xxx' is the filename abbreviation, and the 'yyy...." are ignored, if they are even there at all! (Just remember to get that last comma in!). With this switch, ONLY the information added in the prompted for posting string will be put in the recipe, no "From", no "Date", and no BY (unless Pat types it in )! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65T Allow for word-wrap or not with WORDWRAP=YES or =NO in config. Fixed prob of not capping the category when only 1 cat there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65U Allow for capitalizing all recipe titles or put them into the "normal" mode, like "This Is A Recipe Title". Use CAPTITLES=YES as the 6th line to cap all titles, CAPTITLES=NO for normal. Apparently I was NOT converting the @@@@@ formatted recipes! It was in the MM version, but not the MC version. Fixed that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65V Fixed the capitalizing screw-up I had in the last version! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65W Took out the "Per servings" in the MC recipes -- this version not released to anyone, was just a test..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65X Really took out the "Per servings" in the MC recipes, but only if you want them out! New switch: PERSERVING=YES/NO, will tell the program to leave in the lines with the "per serving" information (YES) or leave them out of the recipe (NO). Corrected problem when addtional tabs at the end of lines in some {MasterCook Mac} recipes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65Y Had a really silly problem with MM recipes that I fixed. It only happened if there was a line of ======= in a line within a recipe, fixed it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.65Z Directions for all recipes now come out all in one long line per paragraph, so MC can properly format them on import! Re-wrote the title capping routine so it handles more odd cases of special characters in the title, capping the proper letters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.7 Reggie pointed out a few errors on the converting to lowercase for ingredients! If a "T" or "T." showed up way out in the ingredient or prep area, it got converted to "t"! Fixed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.7A Now properly recognizes Gary Hauser's new export format from his "Now You're Cooking!" software. This one has header of ----- Now You're Cooking! [MealMaster Export] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.7B Well, it rocognized the format, and placed the recipes into the .MMF file........ BUT, MC doesn't recognize that format!@!@! Changed break_mm() routine to place a different header on those recipes with the NYC header format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.8 Switch added to allow for processing multiple files. Running MM_BUSTR /LIST will process all files in the directory.