CMFiler Ver 6.06 Packing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following files are contained in a complete set of the shareware edition of CMFiler Ver 6.06: CMFILER.COM The main program file. CMFILER.OVY The overlay for the main program. CMFILER.COM loads the overlay, which becomes part of the executable code. The user should put CMFILER.OVY in the same directory with CMFILER.COM. SETUP.EXE Installation program for Windows users. Just click on the program for easy installation in your system. SETUP.INI Initialization file for SETUP.EXE; must accompany the program for proper installation. DOSINST.BAT Installation batch file for DOS users. READ_ME.TXT Brief installation and uninstallation instructions. CMFILER.ICO Windows icon definition file provided by a CMFiler user. ORDER.TXT Information on how to order CMFiler, an explanation of "shareware" and the Association of Shareware Professionals CASH.FRM Order form for purchasing CMFiler by mail with cash or check. Simply print it out. CARD.FRM Form for ordering CMFiler with a card card. Print out and mail or fax to Public (software) Library. VENDINFO.DIZ The description of the CMFiler package using the VENDINFO standard, developed by Rams' Island Software. FILE_ID.DIZ "Description-in-Zip" file used by most BBSes. SDN.ID Documentation file required by the Shareware Distribution Network. VENDOR.TXT Distribution authorization file for vendors, BBSes and other media service providers. BRIEF.TXT A two-page quick guide to CMFiler's command structure. MANUAL.TXT The full CMFILER user's manual current to Version 6.0. Registration benefit includes a 5.5"x8" bound copy of this manual, so that you don't have to print this file. SUPLMENT.TXT The additions and corrections to the MANUAL.TXT file reflecting the differences from Version 6.0 to current. MANUAL.HTM A hypertest version of the user's manual for use with any Web browser. BACK.GIF A graphics file supporting MANUAL.HTM. CHANGES.TXT A verbose history of all significant changes since Version 5.32 CONV_NAR.COM A small utility to convert the notes from old NARATIVE.CF files into DESCRIPT.ION files, which have been adopted as the standard for CMFiler. Also imports PC Mag utility DIRNOTES-style notes into the DESCRIPT.ION. CONV_NAR.TXT Documentation for CONV-NAR.COM. TESTIMON.IAL Unsolicited testimonials from the press and CMFiler users around the world. PACKING.TXT This file. DESCRIPT.ION The notes file.