DOOM 2099 INSTALLATION TEXT | ----------------------------| First, copy all the files in the "doom2099" directoy to your DOOM 2 directory. If you'd like to install and play, I suggest you do the following things BEFORE YOU INSTALL DOOM 2099: 1. Make a backup of the original doom2.wad (just in case) 2. Make SURE you have at LEAST 5 meg ready and willing. 3. THE AUTHOR, JUSTIN MADIGAN IS NOT IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF THE FILES WITH OR ABOUT DOOM 2099, AND\OR THIS PROCEDURE. THE MAKER(S) OF NWT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH US, SO DON'T GO TO THEM. DOOM 2099 IS FOR FUN, AND IS NOT MEANT AS AN INSULT OR THREAT TO ANYONE. THANK YOU. Well, now that THAT'S behind us, let's install Doom 2099, shall we? Type 2099in at you doom2 directory. This will install 2099 into your Doom2 IWAD. NOTE: Before you can play Doom2 again, after you quit, you must type 2099out. If Doom2 starts, you did it! Now go kick robotic demonic atomic BUTT!!!! TROUBLESHOOTING: If you discover that it didn't work, and your IWAD crashed, install the backup copy that you SHOULD'VE backed up. If you didn't, you need to re-install Doom II. You don't think I give rules to blab, do you? If Doom II starts abruptly making weird fuzzy noises, your Doom II copy might be, pirated. Or else, Doom 2's got another bug in it. If you exit, the noise will stop, and you can play again without the fuzzy $#!T. TROUBLESHOOTING Q & A: ------------------------ Why won't Doom 2099 load when I type 2099in? Either you ain't in your Doom 2 directory, where the files should be, or you didn't copy all the files. ------------------------ I copied all the files, but it still won't work! It could be that the source you got it from didn't include the file. See NWT.DOC for help. ------------------------ Doom 2099 won't load right, and it keeps messing up my IWAD. Try typing NWT at your doom2 dir, and set it up to your system. It probably is because NWT isn't setup the right way for your system. ------------------------ My copy is pirated, so I don't have a backup IWAD, and didn't make one. I suggest you turn yourself in. ID worked countless nights to bring you an awesome game, and you decide to screw them out of what they deserve. Some guy YOU must be. I hope you don't keep pirating, it's a illegal habit, which will probably get you to court someday.