Doom2099 Missions Text File This text by: Justin Madigan Doom2099 by: Justin Madigan This is simply a breif story and epilogue for all the missions in Doom2099. For background info, see Doom2099.txt. Mission I: The UAC Base You pick up a Grenade Launcher next to another Marine, a loser in the war that is at hand. You spit on the corpse, and toss it aside. You had better get to work on the inside core of the UAC base. Running down the stairs won't be an easy job, the Robots are stacked to the max down them. You heavily grip the Grenade Launcher and enter the fray. Mission I: Epilogue You entered UAC's top secret base when you teleported out from the UAC core, and neutrilized the threat there, and you flip the Exit switch, hoping to escape this horror forever. You are lead outside by the path, and a metal door shuts your escape. You are back in the streets. The metalheads are here, causing havoc as you speak. But the question is, where are the inhabitants? Where are your freinds, your family, or the towns' population? You set out to see if anyone turns up. But no one is to be found. You've seen what these Cyborgs can do. Now you've got to stop them. You had better be off. But the thing that bugs you is that all the humans aren't there, but Robots are there instead. No...that's insane. People can't be humans one minute, and Robots the next...can they? Mission II: The Slums You go through the streets, wandering to and fro. You'd better stop at the Shop to get some items, since you're not stealing. You might want to stop at the Museum and snag some powerful artifacts. Or you could raid the Military Store. Whatever you do, you'll be in over your head, because Nightfall is at hand... Mission II: Epilogue You made it. By entering the Hospital's computer room, you could get a fix on some Robot butt. Now, since you teleported out, you're on Relonus XII. This may be the Robots generation point. Those being found in Hell couldn't "just happen to be" sitting there for fifteen years. They must be in some factory. Better investigate. Mission III: Relonus XII Okay, so you're stranded on a planet. But there could be a teleport someplace...right? You search like h*ll, and find a building. The door is unlocked. You check the InfoScanner for info. Okay THIS base is the one with the Probe Generator. That machine made all the Probes you killed. Once destroyed, you might not eliminate every probe to come, but there will be less. The InfoScanner warns you, the security system is made to spot intruders, and then rapidly make probes. If you shoot into the tubes where the probes generate from, you can blow out all the generator cores. You'll want to blow those curcuits before leaving, or else you'll be nagged by thousands of these pests. You'll blast that if you know what's good for you. Mission III: Epilogue Now, in the Computer Room, you've got to get the Robots' trail again. You pick them up at another sight in England. It looks like Paris, France. Yep. A reluctant sector scan shows you in sharp, crisp light where it is. You set the teleport and step in. What??? You are instantly flung out of the teleport. You check the System. I guess 400,000,000 km is too far. You reset the teleport and set all systems to drain into teleport power. Hey, no one will ever use that shotty base anyway. You pray this will work, because if it doesn't, you will be kicked into a no pressure zone. No nothing. You say your last words and jump to your Doom...maybe. Mission IV: Paris? The bright flash of intergalactic static flings you out into a city, but a Teleport portal opens again, zapping you to...someplace. You find yourself in a building with no visible exit. The door behind you is cold, damp and locked. You check your whereabouts on the InfoScanner. What??? It seems you are in one of Paris' castles, and there is one way out...but what is that "way out"? Your InfoScanner could beam you out, but you only get one teleport per InfoScanner, and you would lose the InfoScanner. You need the InfoScanner for info anyway. The obvious thing is, the Cyborgs are here. Mission IV: Epilogue You find a switch with an exit sign above it. You flip it, and do a prolonged take...what if the switch is a setup? Suddenly, a wall smashes to the ground, and starts toward you...slowly going to smash your body into the wall with the switch. You can only think of one thing to do. Use the InfoScanner's teleport option. The wall is slow, so you check the Cyborg checkpoints, and memorize them. You type in the coordinates, the wall is now only four feet press the initiate button...3 seconds...the wall is only a foot away...2 seconds...the pressure begins...1 can't stay alive much...SHAZAP! Mission V: The Cyborg Plant It worked, but you need to stretch a bit. You think about what you've been through, and it amounts to alot more than some other marines you've seen. You remember the InfoScanner. You look at its charred carcuss, its entangled, black, singed wires. You remember the checkpoints. You've found the Cyborg generation factory. You look around, seeing what is the most horrifying thing yet. You finally have discovered the secret of the Robots. The D7's and the Tanks are actually humans. The humans are melted down to their bones, then they are placed in an encasing of metal. After all of the wiring is done, the humans are...inhuman monsters. Now the fate of the humans is known to you. The corpses of defective D7's and tanks are put in cells, as if they were waste products. The rest of the humans are evacuating onto starships, from the looks of it. Some computer says so. But the computer also says that there are holding tanks for the alive humans. You have got to shut down this evil factory. Mission V: Epilogue So, you think you've destroyed the Cyborg race? No, it turns out that this is just the base for the D7's and Tanks. You hop on a teleport to god only knows where. You zapped to a huge room with a big, technical monitor, and a hideous visage of the Mastermind of this...this horror. You look into the bright monitor, the only showing thing around you. The rest of the room is completely black. The evil maniac shouts in a mystical, evil voice, "You are of great strength. But not for long. Instead of having you stick your face into all of our stations, I'm going to teleport you to the one place even YOU cannot survive. If you do, the Cyborgs will be destroyed. If you fail, well, don't fail...Bwo-ho-heh-hah-ha." "Cut the crap, bad*ss, where are you putting me?" "Into...Hell Reborn!!!" The voice fades out in a hideous laugh, not at all comforting. Your eyes are wide inside the helmet you wear. Hell Reborn...doesn't sound good... Mission VI: Hell Reborn You are spit into a crude rock prison. This "Hell Reborn" is going to be your toughest challenge yet. Maybe your last... Mission VI: Epilogue After fighting that all-evil ba*rd (* = star [only in b*rd]) you've got to return home. But how? A hologram appears, one of the Mastermind. It says: "What have you conquored by destroying me? You are stuck in Hell Reborn, now nothing but a barren wasteland, Earth is uninhabited by anything but animals, and the people of earth are scattered beyond the stars. The Cyborgs have already won! You've only stopped our raid. Sure, the ceased fire will bring peace, but you won't live to see it." The staggering truth bites you like a poisonous snake. You pull up your pistol and aim it to your head. You'd like to at least die with honor... wouldn't you? If you want to pull the trigger, hit page down. If you want to wander around Hell Reborn some more, hit page down twice. If you want to try to find an exit, hit page down three times. You hesitantly pull the trigger. A splash of blood covers you. You die, content you have saved your species. You decide that suicide isn't the answer. You search Hell Reborn until... You mumble to yourself. Who's there? You scare yourself. You start to rave. You've lost it... You look for a good exit. You yank out computer panels, punch walls, and then it strikes you...the ceiling! That's it! Hell Reborn must be penatrable through the ceiling! You shoot your bazooka through the ceiling. It worked! You're on Galexus IV, where you are greeted by the Mastermind's excape pod. He had hoped to discourage you enough to pull the trigger, once he knew you could get to his escape pod. You couldn't get out any other way. Before you leave, you look back at the rest of Hell Reborn...what? You really weren't on Galexus IV! You jump to the floor and run inside the pod. You pull out an InfoScanner the Mastermind would've used. You are really in Hell Reborn! The place scans in as Hell itself! The reason they made it up to look like Galexus IV is so you'd take the pod. to the nearest planet. You knew it wasn't, because there wasn't any water. You check the pod's engine. it's rigged to a bomb. Yep. you really are stuck...Wait!!! The InfoScanner! It can teleport you to Earth, where you can contact with the population to tell them about your victory! You set the coordinates and beam down. YOU are the one who has won in the end...right? T H E E N D ?