Future vs. Fantasy Quake Documentation v 2.05 Quake Conversion Future vs. Fantasy is copyrighted by Freeform Interactive. Freeform Interactive http://www.planetquake.com/freeform [4/27/97] Freeform Interactive -------------------- Creator/Programmer: Richard Cheung (Hap) hap@planetquake.com Graphic Designer: Kenneth Hwang (kenn) kenn@autobahn.org Skins Designer: Ecker Joerg (Fritz) stefaniesc@metronet.de Model Designer: Maurizio Majelli majelli@inopera.it Web Designer: Mike Asfour (Jacko) to_jacko@hotmail.com User Relations: Raymond Cheung (Raison) raison@planetquake.com Propaganda: Michael Wagner (Darwin) msw@ix.netcom.com Docs Editor: Phillip Pittz (OSM1) osm1@marinet.or.jp Sub Editor: Jarret Johnston (DrJ) jjohnston@no1.com.au Docs Written by: 666.Sun! (sun@imaginet.fr), kenn, Raison, Hap, DrJ, & OSM1 Future vs. Fantasy is copyrighted by Freeform Interactive. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- [Readme Text] -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Future vs. Fantasy Quake (hereby referred to as "FvF" or "the software") is provided AS IS. Neither FreeForm Interactive (FI), Hap (hap@ucsd.edu), kenn (kenn@autobahn.org), Raison (raison@concentric.net), nor any individuals either associated or not associated with FI, including, but not limited to any individual mentioned by the above or this documentation file, is responsible for any damage, or financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, economic, temporal, or spatial loss that may result from running or even simply possessing the software. FreeForm Interactive also claims the right to modify this document without prior notification, but will most likely refrain from including clauses that bequeath unto FI any property or family members of individuals using the software and thus abiding by this disclaimer/ad hoc license agreement. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- [Major Features] 80 Different Weapons 50 Custom Models 15 Professional Custom Skins with Head Gibs 12 Unique Character Classes 13 Class-Specific Power-ups 11 New Sounds Direct Support for Single-player Mode Quest Mode allows for a hybrid Coop/RPG game of Quake Purge Mode allows for a deathmatch game of capture that is a religious cleansing war with emphasis teamwork "9" and "0" switch classes, nothing else to learn! No bothersome IMPULSES to bind or learn! Remote Op Commands via Freeform Passcode 2.0 Complete Enhanced Teamplay Highly Customizable Play without Quake C knowledge --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- [Quick Start] 1. Download FvF into a temporary directory. 2. Decompress FvF into a SUBDIRECTORY under QUAKE. For example: If your Quake stored in C:\QUAKE, then decompress FvF into C:\QUAKE\FVF. If Quake is in C:\GAMES\QUAKE, then decompress into C:\GAMES\QUAKE\FVF. 3. Run Quake with the command QUAKE.EXE -GAME FVF. 4. Run Quake as you normally would. To change character classes, push 9 or 0. If this does not works use: IMPULSE 30 and IMPULSE 31 to change classes.