Curtis Autery's Remote Control Search Engine Interface. There are a number of items like this on the web, all of them copyrighted with huge disclaimers about legal rights. This will be probably the first public-domain interface for this type of function. I only ask that you leave the top "note" comments in tact when copying this file, or editing it. Perhaps you can add an additional comment stating the original file has been modified. This is meant to show some examples of JavaScript technique to people who already "program" in JavaScript. To use this, open rc.htm in a web browser that supports true JavaScript. I recommend using Netscape 3.0 with this. Communicator seems to eat more resources than a "quick" interface like this needs, Netscape 2.x won't work with this as I use some JavaScript code first implemented in 3.0. No version of Internet Explorer (not even 4.0) will work with this at all - You will get an immediate JavaScript error and a black web browser. The interface should be self-explanatory. I used some "always on top" code that I created, and it is a little funny sometimes. Occasionally the "Hide" button will seem to have a rapidly blinking dotted line on it, and sometimes the "always on top" functionality disappears. When either of these circumstances occur, click anywhere in the black area of the remote control window and the problem disappears. (Any code fixes or suggestions for that will be welcome and appreciated). If you have any comments, suggestions, (job offers ), etc., send them to 70003,7717 or from the Internet Enjoy! Curtis p.s. - Some search engine addresses or search formats will inevitably change, but this script is compatible with all 9 search engines as of the creation date - June 24, 1997