GifLoader V1.1 - June 16, 1997 Copyright © 1997 by Kevin Routley. All rights reserved. Thank you for evaluating GifLoader V1.1! Installation ============ To install, copy the contents of the GifLoader disk or ZIP file into a directory on your hard disk. GifLoader will NOT run unless GIFLOADR.HLP, REGISTER.EXE and NTHELPR.EXE are in the same directory as the executable files. The other files are not needed after you've read them. You may execute the program by double-clicking on the EXE in Explorer. For most convenient use, create a Shortcut to be placed on your DeskTop or in the Start Menu. By using a shortcut, you may customize the "Start In" options to have GifLoader automatically point at the location where you have stored your wallpaper files. Getting Started =============== GifLoader initially displays the GIF files in the directory it was started from. Navigate to the directory where you have stored your wallpaper files. Once there, select any file in the list to see a preview image; press the Apply button to display the selected image as your wallpaper. The same applies to BMP (bitmap) files. To see BMP files in the display, change the "Files of type" dropdown to "Bitmap Files". Wallpaper can be displayed Centered, Tiled, and for those with Windows 95 Plus!, or Windows NT 4.0 installed, Stretched. Experiment with these three settings to determine the best setting for a given image file. De-Installation =============== Should you choose not to keep GifLoader, it may be de-installed by deleting the files you restored from the distribution set. Also, delete any shortcuts or Start Menu entries you may have created. Finally, delete GIFLOADR.INI and GIFLOADR.BMP from your Windows directory. Thats it! Registration Benefits ===================== Registered copies of GifLoader will not pop up the registration reminder dialog box. Your registration code will work for future releases of GifLoader V1. As a registered owner of GifLoader, you are entitled to early notification of new versions of GifLoader and preferred technical support and new features. And by registering GifLoader you are encouraging the continued development and distribution of shareware by Tekra Software. Support the Shareware concept! Feedback ======== New versions of GifLoader will be released over time, depending on demand and how quickly I can add new features. Suggestions, ideas, or constructive criticism are appreciated! I can be reached at: Tekra Software 1500A Lafayette Rd #174 Portsmouth, NH 03801 I hope you find GifLoader useful! Kevin Routley June 16, 1997