-----------TCP PortScan for Java v1.0------------ Written by Eduardo Fernandez ------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: By using this program you acknowledge that Eduardo Fernandez is not responsible for ANY damage casued by its use. ------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------- 1.1 Contents DISCLAIMER .................................. 0.0 INTRODUCTION ................................ 1.0 Contents .................................... 1.1 About The Author ............................ 1.2 About The Product ........................... 1.3 USAGE ....................................... 2.0 Running PortScan ............................ 2.1 Scanning A Computer ......................... 2.2 Win Nukeing a Computer ...................... 2.3 Updating the Services File .................. 2.4 HOW TO CONTACT .............................. 3.0 Reporting a Bug ............................. 3.1 Suggesting a Feature ........................ 3.2 Other Stuff ................................. 3.3 BUGS AND COMPATIBILITY ...................... 4.0 Known Bugs .................................. 4.1 Tested JDKs ................................. 4.2 ----------------------------- 1.2 About The Author Eduardo Fernandez is a Computer Engineering major at the University of Florida. He is scheduled to graduate in May 1998 so hire him quick! In addition to TCP PortScan for Java, he is authoring Scramble, a Java based game. ----------------------------- 1.3 About The Product TCP PortScan is a freeware port scanner written completely in Java. No J/Direct no native calls anywhere. Freeware does not mean leftrighted. This software and all classed contained in the zip are copyrighted property of Eduardo Fernandez. Any unauthorized modification of this program without the expressed written consent of Eduardo Fernandez is forbidden. So don't do it. ------------------------------------------------- 2.0 USAGE ----------------------------- 2.1 Running PortScan In order to use TCP PortScan for Java you must have a Java JDK or JRE. Tested JDKs are listed in section 4.2. Prior to running PortScan ensure that ./. or .\. are in your CLASSPATH. If it is not it will not be able to load up the provided services file. To run simply type: JAVA PortScan from a command prompt. In order to run without the console on Windows use JAVAW PortScan and under OS/2 use JAVAPM PortScan ----------------------------- 2.2 Scanning A Computer Once PortScan is loaded in order to scan a computer simply type in the target address in the top text box. Once you have entered that you may select the range to scan. By default it is 1-512. Then to scan click the "Begin Scan" button. The program will then spawn threads to scan the ports. As responses arrive they will be added in the list box on the right, and provided the services file loaded, the port description will appear. ----------------------------- 2.3 Win Nuking A Computer PortScan has a feature called Win Nuke. This feature exploits a bug in the Winsock TCP/IP stack which allows an OOB/NoDelay packet to crash the system the packet is sent to. These packets are sent through port 139. Microsoft has issued a patch to prevent these attacks. To use it, enter the Target Address in the text field, then click Win Nuke. This can be done during a scan as well. NOTE!: Use this feature at your own risk! I am not responsible for the consequences. Some ISPs do not appreciate their customers being nuked. ----------------------------- 2.4 Updating The Services File The services file is the file from which PortScan gets the port descriptions. The services file shipped with PortScan contains over 1300 services. You may add services simply by editing the file and adding them. You may also replace the file entirely with your own so long as the format is substantially the same. NOTE!: The distributed services file is has UDP ports removed since TCP PortScan only does TCP ports. ------------------------------------------------- 3.0 HOW TO CONTACT ----------------------------- 3.1 Reporting a Bug To report a bug, please email me at eduardof@grove.ufl.edu with the subject line "PortScan BUG" ----------------------------- 3.2 Suggesting a Feature To suggest a feature, please email me at eduardof@grove.ufl.edu with the subject line "PortScan SUGGESTION" ----------------------------- 3.3 Other Stuff All updates will be available off of http://www.gdn.net/~beer/portscan.html If you want to contact me about something else feel free to email me at eduardof@grove.ufl.edu ------------------------------------------------- 4.0 BUGS AND COMPATIBILITY ----------------------------- 4.1 Known Bugs - Upon canceling a scan, the threads are not killed instantly. This is because they are blocked. They do die immediatly after the unblock. ----------------------------- 4.2 Tested JDKs Linux: 1.1.3 JDK OS/2: IBM VAJava 1.0 IBM 1.1.1 JDK Windows95: Sun's JRE 1.1.3 Sun's JDK 1.1.3 ------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 Eduardo Fernandez All trademarks rights are held by their respective trademark holders.