*** QuickBasic Code Snippets *** * Indicates the program will only run in QuickBasic 4.5 (not in QBasic that comes with MS-DOS). These programs require that QuickBasic be loaded with: QB /L QB.QLB DEMOS: ------ QSTAR.BAS - QBasic Demo! Great animation effects. Fast! DOS: ---- * CMOSSTAT.BAS - Gives information about what's in CMOS * DISKSER.BAS - Returns the disk serial number * DOW.BAS - Returns the Day of the Week and complete date * DRVLST.BAS - Shows which drive letters are in use * ENVIRON.BAS - Example how to manipulate the DOS environment strings * EXITERLV.BAS - Allows you to exit the program with an errorlevel * FDREADY.BAS - Check to see if the floppy drive is ready * MICE.BAS - Returns mouse version and IRQ number * MSWIND.ZIP - Allows you to cut & paste to Windows Clipboard from DOS * REDIRCT.BAS - Checks to see if a program was redirected Games: ------ THEWOODS.BAS - A nice text adventure role playing game Graphics: --------- BRESNHAM.BAS - Bresenham circle and line algorithms FINDRGB.BAS - Finds the R, G and B values of any given point FLAME.BAS - A burning candle * MODEX.BAS - Example of using ModeX graphics mode SPRIT_EX.BAS - Animated Sprite Example - pretty much flicker-free SPRMASK.BAS - Example how to create a masked sprite (ie. a circle that is not inside of a square box). File: ----- * CURPATH.BAS - Gets the current path DELDUPE.BAS - Deletes duplicate entries in an ASCII text file * EXEPATH.BAS - Gets the current path and executing filename * FILEXST.BAS - Checks to see if a file exists * SCRLFILE.BAS - Select files from a scrolling text-mode list box * TREE.BAS - Directory listing with date, time, bytes, etc. Font: ----- FIREPRN.BAS - Font on Fire! FONTS.ZIP - Interesting fonts (edited version) LED.BAS - LED Numbers and "audio bar" * OFONT.BAS - Shadowed 3-D text in 320 x 200 x 256 mode SHADETXT.BAS - Greyscale shaded text routine (320 x 200 x 256) STEEL.BAS - Another shaded text routine (320 x 200 x 256) TEXTMELT.BAS - Melting Text Effects (320 x 200 x 256) Sound: ------ * PLAYCD.BAS - Play an Audio CD in QuickBasic 4.5. Read source code comments before using. QUAZAR.BAS - Neat PC Speaker sound effect WAVEBAS.BAS - Play a .WAV file Telecom: -------- QUIKTERM.BAS - An ANSI Terminal Program (no download/upload though) Text: ----- KISSED.BAS - A full text editor PRINTF.BAS - Lets you print in color using one string SCROLBOX.BAS - Scrolling text viewer TXTLIGHT.BAS - "Searchlight" Text effect (like the one shown in the ABC XPress Reader) NOTICE: ------- All programs are made available on an "AS IS" basis. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of any of the source code in this archive. Microsoft, and all Microsoft products mentioned herein are copyright and/or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SoundBlaster and related products are copyright and/or trademarks of Creative Labs. All other products mentioned are copyright and/or trademarks of their respective owners.