This material also appears in FDATE.DOC. I've duplicated it here in the hopes that it will catch the eye of potential NT users of Fdate. /V WHEN RUNNING UNDER WINDOWS NT ======================================= Early in 1996, reports began trickling in of users having difficulty with Fdate's /V feature (setting the value of an environment variable) when running under Windows NT. To make a long story short, in many cases, Fdate's /V feature doesn't work under Windows NT. Unfortunately, this situation cannot be corrected. Microsoft has never made it easy to access the environment programmatically, and the situation has become worse in Windows 95 and Windows NT. The situation has become so difficult that TurboPower Software, which markets add-on utilities, has withdrawn support for utilities that change environment variables. Since Fdate uses these utiltities, it is virtually certain that I will ever be able to make Fdate's /V feature work under NT, in cases where it does not now work. This does not mean, however, that Fdate can't be used with NT. What it means is that, when running Fdate under NT, we have to fall back on a more basic method of setting an environment variable. This involves creating a temporary batch file that sets the variable, then running and deleting the batch file. It's primitive, but it works. CALL A BATCH FILE ================= The most basic way to put FDATE's output into an environment variable, is to: * use the /P (prefix string) feature to create a DOS "SET" statement, * redirect the output to a batch file, and then * CALL the batch file. EXAMPLE: FDATE /Ff /At /Occyymmdd /P"@SET FDATE=" >JUNKTEMP.BAT call JUNKTEMP.BAT del JUNKTEMP.BAT In this example, the result will be that the FDATE environment variable is set to today's date, in ccyymmdd format.