TCaptionControl 1.00 -------------------- Copyright (c) Yorai Aminov, 1996, 1997 TCaptionControl can add a gradient caption bar, small buttons to the caption bar, control caption text direction and appearance and support for Middle-Eastern platform's special window styles. Archive contents: Root: TCaptionControl compiled units | +---Source: TCaptionControl units source code | +---Help: TCaptionControl help file and KWF file | | | +---Source: Help file source (RTF) and project file (HPJ) | +---Docs: CapCtrl.doc - Microsoft Word file describing the source code Installation: - If you have the 0.10 beta version of TCaptionControl, remove it first - file names have changed. - If you hae either the 0.10 or the 0.20 beta versions, remove the keywords from Delphi's help index before installing the new help file. - Copy the files (either the compiled units or the source code) to a directory on your disk. If you don't have a directory for downloaded components, you can use the Delphi\Lib directory. - In Delphi, choose Component|Install and click 'Add' to install the component. - Select the 'CapCtrl.pas' file in the Add Module dialog box. - Copy the help files (CapCtrl.hlp, CapCtrl.kwf) to the Delphi\Help directory. - Run the program 'HelpInst' from the '\Help\Tools' directory. - From HelpInst, load the file 'Delphi.hdx' which should be in the '\Bin' directory. - From HelpInst, Add the file 'CapCtrl.kwf'. - Save the new index file and exit HelpInst. Documentation: The help file documents all components, classes, types and events of the CapCtrl unit. This documentation is intended for all users of the control. Users who whish to get a better understanding of the code should read CapCtrl.doc. This is a Microsoft Word file, and can be viewed using WordPad. Requirements: Delphi 2.0 or higher, Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or higher. The component is not thoroughly tested under NT and is not guaranteed to work under that operating system. Varsion history: 03/21/97 - version 1.00 - bug fixes, added features. 12/10/96 - version 0.20 - minor corrections, help file, documentation 12/02/96 - version 0.10 - initial beta --------- Suggestions, wishes, modifications, bug reports, bug fixes, love and affection to: Yorai Aminov (preffered) 100274,720 on CompuServe