To Install TalkScribe on your PC If your TalkScribe installation files are contained on floppy disks, or CD-ROM, follow the directions on the disks or CD-ROM to install TalkScribe. If your TalkScribe installation files are contained in a compressed file (for distribution by downloading via modem) with filename ending in ".zip", perform the following steps to install TalkScribe: 1. Create a temporary directory on your hard disk and unzip the contents of the compressed file into it (using a file compress/extract utility such as WinZip or PKUnzip). 2. From the Windows 3.1 program manager File | Run menu, or the Windows 95 Start menu, run TLKSC101.EXE (in the temporary directory). Follow the directions as the InstallShield utility performs the installation on your PC. 3. After InstallShield exits, you may delete the temporary directory and the files in it. If you downloaded the file TLKSC101.EXE, perform step 2 above.