The official problem/bug report form! If you find a problem with one of the utilities related to JamMail, or with the operation of JamMail itself, please let me know using this form. Please fill out all of the information here, even if you think it may not be relevent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ System Information: Computer Type : Processor & Speed: (if accellerator, list brand/type) Total Ram & Type : Serial Board(s) : (if yes, list type(s) of board(s)) Graphics Board : (if yes, list type of board) Video Display : (resolution/mode) Modem(s) : (brand/speed and locking rate) Version Information: (as returned from "version full" command. JamMail : jamtool : jamscan : wpl.library : wplemsi.library : xprzedzap.library: xprfts.library : xferq.library : AmigaDos Version : (Kickstart & Workbench) JamMail Archive : (give filename of archive) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the section below, try to explain in detail what the problem is that you are having: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cut this form out, and mail it to "James McOrmond" at one of the following FTN addresses: FidoNet#1:163/139 AmigaNet#40:553/139 ZyXELNET#18:163/139 or, for InterNet users: