Addfiles Version 1.14 A SPITFIRE Utility THIS PROGRAM MUST BE IN YOUR BBS HOME DIRECTORY AND MUST RUN FROM THERE!!! First the LEGAL stuff...... Warranty... This program is not guaranteed to do anything except take up Hard Drive space. There is no guarantee as to it's suitability to any task claimed, implied, or imagined! In simple language, If you download this program and attempt to use it and become so mad that you kick the dog, who runs out of the house, knocking over your computer and destroying it, then runs in front of a delivery truck, who swerves to avoid the dog and hits a light pole, knocking out the power to a super secret local ICBM site, who fires their missles cause they think the Russians are attacking, thus destroying the world, IT AIN'T OUR FAULT!!!!!!!! Further use of this program constitutes a LEGAL AGREEMENT to hold Sleepless Knights Software and the program's author harmless and without fault concerning any problems which may occur. Running this thing without reading the docs is just plain dumb and does not release you from total responsibility for any damage which may occur. This thing has also been known to sneak off and make calls to 900 numbers in the middle of the night! THIS PROGRAM MUST BE IN YOUR BBS HOME DIRECTORY AND MUST BE RUN FROM THERE!!! What it does........ OK time for a long winded story. I have a friend that likes to drop by from time to time and drop 20 or 30 meg of the newest shareware around that he has collected. It's real nice, but I've got to add it all to the BBS which is a real pain because he downloads things cause the description "looks good", then forgets what the heck it is. So enter my friend the Wildcat Sysop that has just about decided he'd rather write Spitfire Utils than ones for Wildcat. So here's what he did for you and I this time. This utility will allow you to specify a directory where you keep all the new shareware you download or where you have a mass of new files you haven't had time to add to your BBS. It allows you to tag one file, all files, or any assortment in between for testing. It then will present you a picklist of your present file areas and ask were you intend to put the files. It will then open each file, check for a FILE_ID.DIZ, and if found will move the file to the area you chose and add it to your SFFILES.BBS. It supports ZIP, ARJ and LHA archive formats. If you try to run it on ICE, ZOO, or heaven forbid ARC, not only will it not show you a file list, it will likely laugh itself to death. There are NO plans to add any code to support these DEAD formats so please don't ask. How it works...... There's only a few keys to this thing and it's a real "NO BRAINER"! My nine year old son ran it just by READING the screen. You start it by typing ADDFILES, no switches or such. Use the L command to log the disk your files are located on. I'd suggest that you make sure you are in the ROOT directory of each drive before you start the program as it tends to like to go to where you were the last time you accessed the drive. Next use the SPACE bar to tag the files. CTRL-ENTER will tag all files or untag them if you have any tagged. Once you are done tagging files press F10 and it will display a complete selection of your download areas. Highlight the one you want and press enter, it will then start processing the files. When it is done just hit Q to quit. It will not display files if the CD-ROM flag is set to yes in an area. The program will run across a Lantastic network. It processed 450 files on my system across the network in about 5 minutes. Your mileage may vary. The strange stuff.... This program is hardcoded to use the 4 line description mode which is set up when pressing ALT-Z to setup Spitfire. There is also a small bug which displays a little trash to the screen when working on an LHA file, this is a bug in LHA and we don't plan to worry about it at all. Please remember you MUST have all archivers available in your path and MAKE SURE YOU RUN IT FROM YOUR BBS HOME DIRECTORY!!!!! The registration stuff.... This program is released as 29 centware or tradeware (not trade wars). If you like it, use it on a regular basis or feel that it makes your life any easier mail a postcard or letter to the address below telling us where you got it and praising us for this wonderful addition to your Spitfire toolkit. If you write a utility for Spitfire how bout a copy of your program with any keycodes or such required to run it. This program is not crippled in any way. It requires no codes, key files or other tricks to run it from here on out. It is the basis for an upcoming SPITFIRE Utility that will handle your file areas in ways you've not seen before. Plans are for the new program to create file headers, manage all file areas and create an allfiles list in the process. Course if I don't get some feedback on this thing why bother continuing with the project. So how bout it folks. Does it work? All letter bombs will be returned . Mail your comments to: Mike Weaver Sleepless Knights BBS Route 8 Box 258 Athens, Al 35611 BBS support will be available on Sleepless Knights BBS 205-233-5730 FidoNet 1:3607/40. Sleepless Knights Software is a trademark of Mike Weaver and Sleepless Knights BBS. SPITFIRE is a trademark of Mike Woltz and Buffalo Creek Software. This program remains the sole property of Jeffery K. Fuller and all worldwide rights are retained by the same. VERSION UPDATES AND INFORMATION Version 1.11 ...... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU OVERWROTE ALL THE ORIGINAL CODE!!!! Version 1.12 ...... NOPE IT WON"T FIND THE ARJ'S AND SPELLING DOES COUNT!!!! Version 1.13 ...... IT'S FIXED AND I HAVE 4 COPIES OF THE CODE TUCKED AWAY!! Update information. Version 1.3 was released due to a request by Vicki Surratt that this thing support the old DESC.SDI format of file descriptions. At least I caught a message in the SPITFIRE echo with her name attached asking for this added feature so it' ALL YOUR FAULT VICKI!!!!! This is a complete rewrite of the code and resolves a little known bug in version 1.0 that could have crashed as it refused to release the file handles. It also adds the ability to detect the older file information format of DESC.SDI. If it has a choice between the FILE_ID.DIZ or the DESC.SDI it will always add the FILE_ID.DIZ information to your file listing. There are no plans to make this a selectable feature. This program is NOT INTENED TO REPLACE CHECKUP. It's function is completely different and there should be no confusion about this! It is intended to help you by checking any mass group of files you have and if they have FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI in the archive, moving them to the area of your choice and adding the available file description to your SFFILES.BBS. Version 1.14 ...... FIXED MINOR BUG THAT WOULD ALLOW BOTH SOURCE AND DESTINATION DIRECTORY TO BE THE SAME. UPDATED VERSION NUMBERS IN DOCS. REAL IMPORTANT STUFF.... O.K. folks you win, the plans were for the next update of this program to allow it to run as an event from the command line. After that it was intended that this thing might be made sensitive to certain words in a config file that would send files to specific areas which were predefined if the FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI contained a certain predefined word, like CLIPPER or MODEM or whatever. But here's the problem. I've been told that a great many of you are using the program, but I've not received the first little post card or any copy of any program that anyone might write as I requested. So folks this is how I see it. If I don't receive the requested info I'm going to ask the programmer to add a registration key program that will enable it to run from the command line on the next update unless I hear from a few folks. Let's not let it go that far. At best it would cost .30 to send a postcard or a netmail message telling us that you use this thing! Version 1.15 ...... MINOR COSMETIC FIX. FORGOT TO REMOVE THE DEBUG INFORMATION FROM THE SOURCE CODE. THE PROGRAM WOULD DISPLAY THE UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD PATHS AFTER YOU EXITED IT. This the STEALTH VERSION and is again the complete fault of VICKI SURRATT. No more bells and whistles to wake the family up for you at 3 AM!!!!!! But we've added a special feature to get even with you VICKI, the program will now make you crave HOT SALSA and COLD BEER everytime you run it! That'll teach you !!!!! And last but not least.......... THIS PROGRAM MUST BE IN YOUR BBS HOME DIRECTORY AND MUST BE RUN FROM THERE!!!