------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN MNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN MNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boston Computer News Network December, 1993 A Service of the Boston Computer Society, USA Vol.2 No.12 Sponsored by the Xbase Language Group Clipper Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Editorial: From Clipper to Windows in 45-Minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Les Squires Internet: BCNN@world.std.com CIS:73020,3435 or >INTERNET:LSquires@world.std.com Meeting: January 18, 1994, 6:30 p.m. Place: 128 Entrepreneurs Center, 200 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, MA USA. Beginning in January (No meeting in December), our group will limit major presentations at our meetings to Windows topics. Clipper-DOS questions will be welcomed during Q&A sessions before the main presentations. At our January meeting we will distribute a 1,000-1,500 record DBF and invite 8-10 developers to MAKE SOMETHING WINDOWS. Any software (dbFAST, Microsoft Access, Paradox, Fox, Gupta SQL Windows, Visual Basic, even Visual Objects for Clipper). Go to a corner of the room. Pick a table (we meet in a cafeteria). Put up a 17" monitor for your notebook. Report back in 60 minutes. Other attendees are free to mill around the room to get a flavor for the various approaches. After 60 minutes we will reconvene, hook up 4 or 5 notebooks to the overhead display, and see what each person was able to do with the DBF. This is not a Droege-like competition. We will not dictate say what should be done. We are not trying to pick software, or vendors. We just want to explore our options. See how it's done. We will repeat this experiment each month for 4-5 months in early 1994. World-Wide Participants. You're in New Zealand or Georgia or Frankfurt? No problem. We'll CompuServe you the DBF. Take one hour. Send back your application. Include a readme. We'll look at what you send and list your name in the BCNN report. Isn't it great -- waiting for VO! 2. Plans for February Meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Darren Forcier <72117.1632@CompuServe.COM> In February I will head up an xBase/Windows exploration of tools that Clipper programmers can use to hurdle the Windows learning curve NOW: Clip4Win, Dolce Vita, and DBFast 2.0. The emphasis will be more on learning Windows, the SDK, and event driven programming rather than specifics of any one platform. The goal is understanding, not judging or selecting platforms. Our discussion will survey these tools and their relative merits in transferring Windows development skills to VO. 3. Wanted! Your Ideas for *NEW* Features for Expert Help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: "Curtis Palm [EH]" <72500.1452@CompuServe.COM> EH SofSolutions, Inc. (note name change) We have been busy with incremental (but significant) changes to the EH Engine, gearing up for the next major release which will include DOS, Windows and Os/2 version. Do you have good ideas for enhancing Expert Help? If so, I'd like to hear from you. 4. News about TechWriter and Grumpfish Menu. * $$ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: John Kaster <71510.3321@CompuServe.COM> TechWriter 2.0 and Grumpfish Menu 3.0 are nearing release. Both are total rewrites of the previous products, retaining all the major features, improving speed, and adding all kinds of hot new features as well. 5. The RuneStone Library for Printing Labels. * $$ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Neil Kingsley <72356.1063@CompuServe.COM> MythoLogics (914) 636-5708 140 Lockwood Ave, Annex Bldg. New Rochelle, NY 10801 Fax: (914) 636-3656 RuneStone is a fully linkable API for using the CoStar LabelWriter II and II+ dedicated label printers. The library prints labels with multiple fonts, barcodes, Postnet codes, lines, boxes and fills, in both landscape and portrait modes. It includes a WYSIWYG label design tool, as well as the necessary serial port functions to drive the printer. There's NO need for any ugly TSR's, drivers, or shelling to DOS, and the entire thing can be overlayed with Blinker or Warplink. It's $225 (+s/h) and comes with S'87 and Clipper 5.x libraries. 6. Feature Article: Creating Your Own Libraries ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Jean-Pierre Zacaropoulos [71562.530] Jos Ratinckstraat 3, B36 2600 Berchem, Belgium. Download: MyLib.Bat, MyLib.Rmk, and MyLib.Txt can be found on CUGOC BBS under the name JP_Lib.Zip. Many of us have been lugging around .PRGs with many of our re-usable files even though many of the functions are not always used. Third party vendors do create Libraries and the good ones sell well. So lets implement their ideas in our everyday work and lessen our workload. How Linkers Link. In order to understand the "raison d'etre" of libraries we need to understand some of the inner functionality of the linker. Linkers take compiled .PRGs and add to them to the necessary parts from Libraries. Linkers are really very intelligent, recognizing which functions are being called, first searching for them in the .OBJs, then in the libraries in the order in which they are linked. If you name one of your functions TONE(), it will be linked and the one supplied in the CA-Clipper will be ignored, warning you that the public symbol 'TONE' was doubly defined. Since the search is sequential starting with the first library listed, third party functions may be ignored if doubly defined. It is therefore very important to link libraries in the correct order and to name your functions as to be unique (unless you intentionally want to override someone else's function). If the linker still does not find the functions, it warns: UNDEFINED SYMBOL(S) AFTER LIBRARY SEARCH: SYMBOL FIRST REFERENCE ------ --------------- 'CLIPPER501' FNAME.LIB warning wrt0022: .EXE may not execute properly -- undefined symbols In a case like above you may ignore it. However if it is a function you are really using, then your application will bomb when that particular function is called. "Isn't that the same thing as linking my .PRG which contains my functions?" you ask. Correct. However, in a library, each function is placed in a separate .PRG file and compiled separately. The linker then only links the required functions, keeping the EXE and the symbol table as small as possible. If you include more than one function in an .OBJ, all these functions will be loaded even if only one is needed by your application. You may place a few Functions in one .PRG if they are so inter-related that calling one of them always requires calling all of them. Let's make a library named MyLib.LIB. Lets assume that your library files will be composed only of CA-Clipper .PRG files. Later on we will add the .C and .ASM ones. I will also assume that you are familiar with the use of the RMake.EXE supplied with CA-Clipper software. I will use only the basics. For instance we will place all our .PRGs and .OBJs in one directory and we will create the .LIB file in that same directory. I will place the .OBJ files for the .C and .ASM files in different subdirectories just for example purposes. The files described below can be changed to accommodate retrieving and placing the files anywhere on your hard disk or virtual disk. I'll leave these enhancements up to you. Step 1. Get a Library Making Program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I use LIB.EXE from Microsoft which comes with Microsoft C, but you can use any other one such as FLIB.EXE from FUNCky II using the same principles. Step 2. Create a the Batch File MYLIB.BAT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off REM MyLib.Bat REM Forces a full recompiling if the F or f parameter is passed REM as : MyLib F. The old .OBJ files will be renamed with a .BBJ REM extention. IF "%1"=="F" DEL *.BBJ IF "%1"=="f" DEL *.BBJ IF "%1"=="F" REN *.OBJ *.BBJ IF "%1"=="f" REN *.OBJ *.BBJ REM Lets save the old library just in case Copy MyLib.Lib MyLib.BAK REM This is where you include the .OBJs for the .C and .ASM files REM See later on in article for example of insertion. REM Starts compiling the .PRG files RMake MyLib REM add the final characters required by LIB.EXE into the response REM file named MyLib.Rsp echo. >>MyLib.Rsp echo;; >>MyLib.Rsp REM Lets now create our library file MyLib.Lib Lib MyLib @MyLib.Rsp Step 3. Create MYLIB.RMK. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MYLIB.RMK will not only create the .OBJ files but also create the response file MyLib.Rsp. The line 'echo -+$* & >> MyLib.Rsp' creates the .Rsp file if not present and will include in it the required answers required by LIB.EXE. .PRG.OBJ: CLIPPER $* /N /W /o$@ echo -+$* & >>MyLib.Rsp File1.Obj: File1.Prg File2.Obj: File2.Prg File3.Obj: File3.Prg You can add as many files as you want. Make sure that .PRG.OBJ: starts at the beginning of the line and that CLIPPER $*.. and echo starts one space after the beginning of the line. MYLIB.RMK will compile your .PRGs and create a response file (MyLib.Rsp) that looks like this: -+FILE1 & -+FILE2 & -+FILE3 & ; Adding the -+ sign will force the rebuilding of the complete library file. The - deletes the file from the library and the + adds it to the library. Step 4. Run MYLIB.BAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Running MyLib.Bat produces a new file named MyLib.Lib. This is now your library file. That was'nt too bad, was it? Step 5. Add in C or Assembly Code (optional). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout your years of programming, you may have gathered some functions which were written either in C or Assembly. Before you linked them in with your CA-Clipper files, you had to have compiled them into .OBJ files. We will assume the .C files and related .OBJs are in subdirectory CFILES and the .ASM and related OBJs are in AFILES. Add these files to MyLib.Bat just before the comment to starts compiling the .PRG files. REM Adding the .C OBJs to the .RSP file echo -+c:\CFiles\C_One & > MyLib.Rsp echo -+c:\CFiles\C_Two & >> MyLib.Rsp REM Adding the .ASM OBJs to the .RSP file echo -+c:\AFiles\A_One & >> MyLib.Rsp echo -+c:\AFiles\A_Two & >> MyLib.Rsp Make sure that you use two > as this means add to file. One > means starts the file over. The first echo above has only one >. This rewrites the .Rsp file every time and that it will be specific to the operation which we are performing. For example, if we force a full recompile, all .OBJs will be included. If we do not force the full recompiling, a new .RSP file will be created which will include only the names of the .OBJ files for the changed and recompiled .PRG files and the names of the .C and .ASM OBJs. This in turn will reduce the time in creating/updating your .LIB file. The library file has now been re-created. Remember that if you add a new .PRG or delete one, you need to update the .RMK file. If you are only deleting, forcing the recompile will not completely do it. You will need to add the following comment in your .BAT file after your .C and/or .ASM files (assuming the file you are deleting is called DelFile.Obj) : echo -DelFile & >> MyLib.Rsp This removes DelFile.Obj from MyLib.Lib. Once this is done, you can take the line out or leave it in for record purposes. I would suggest you add the words REM just before it after you ran it once. Otherwise, every time you run your .BAT file, a comment will appear on the screen saying that DelFile was not found in the library. No harm, just a little annoying. If you do not have any .C nor .ASM files, then just add the following two lines just after the IF statements: REM Deleting the response file DEL MyLib.Rsp This forces the remake of the correct .RSP file in the same manner as if your first addition to it was ..... > MyLib.Rsp If you are adding, the correct response file will be created. If you have a great number of .PRGs to include, an easy way is at the c> prompt to request DOS to give you the directory but redirect it to a file: c> DIR *.PRG > MYPRG.FIL. This makes a copy of what appears on the screen into a new file MYPRG.FIL. You can edit it, remove the unwanted parts, and end up with the list you can use for your .RMK file. Note. If you own FUNCKy II, follow the above with minor adjustments which you are very well documented in the FUNCky.NG file. 7. College of Informatics of Novosibirsk State University ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Kathy Kelly BCNN@world.std.com (for contributions) ReplyTo: sychov@vki.nsk.su (Sychov N.A.) Dr. Mishenko A.M. Summer School Head Editor's Note. We have raised $700.00 to date to support the educational efforts in Russia. Please send a check made out to 'the Boston Computer Society Xbase Group'. Any amount. Next month we'll include a longer report of their recent successes. 8. 500 Windows Tips: A Must-Read Article. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Windows Magazine 600 Community Drive, Manhasset, New York 11030 USA 516-562-7124 America Online: WindowsMag CompuServe: 71742,21 Genie: j.licari1 Internet: 5648326@micmail.com MCI Mail: 564-8326 Prodigy: CNNB30A The Well: pes Don't claim to be interested in Windows if you miss reading '500 Tips' in the December, 1993 Windows Magazine, pp. 161ff. There's something for everybody. 9. Must-Read Article on Client/Server Databases. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Pat Tormey ptormey@world.std.com Author: Sheryl Canter Article: Front-End Development Tools "SQL: Putting Up a Good Front" November 9, 1993 PC Magazine, pp. 273-320. Programmable:Gupta SQL Windows, IBM Personal AS/2, IBM Personal AS Builder/2, Informix-HyperScript Tools for Windows, Ingres/Windows 4GL for OS/2, Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows, Oracle Cooperative Development Environment. Nonprogrammable: BusinessObjects, DataPrism, Iconic Query, Oracle Data Browser, Q&E Database Editor, Quest, and Informix-ViewPoint. The editors elected to 'hold off for now' on making a pick for Editor's choice. 10. Blinker 3.0 Upgrades (c) CompuServe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #: 393856 S8/3rd Party Announce. 30-Nov-93 12:04:09 Sb: #Blinker 3.0 Ships Fm: Malc Shedden [BLINK] 76030,1031 To: All Blink inc is pleased to announce that the first Blinker 3.0 upgrades were shipped yesterday. All 3.0 upgrade orders are being processed as quickly as possible, in the order in which they were received. Please bear with us while we clear the backlog. 11. First Clipper/VO-Usergroup-Meeting in Switzerland ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Guenther Schoch 100014,2756 Reservations: Contact Guenther Schoch. Date: 14.Dezember 1993, 14'00h-18'00h. Cost: Free. The new Swiss Usergroup meeting takes place in the rooms of CA- Switzerland in Kloten near Zuerich. Topics include 1) Goals and Rules of the new Usergroup and 2) Demonstration of the newest Beta release of VO!!! 12. 1993 Results of Droege Developers Competition ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Thomas Droege [71333,3015] Download: RESULT.ZIP on GO DEVCONTEST, LIB 2 of the Zenith Forum. 1st Place Winner. Magic PC. 93.250 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Canniff and Dr. Sherman Levine. Management of Information Technologies. An outstanding score of 93.250 points out of a possible 112 points! (Last year's first place winner's score was 77.6). The reporting score was 27 out of a possible 30. Very good retrieval system to pull out the searches required in the script. 2nd Place Winner. DataPerfect. 86.250 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lew Bastian and Ray Babbit. WordPerfect Corporation. Lew is the author of DataPerfect and although DataPerfect may not have the image of a powerful database management system, both DataPerfect applications were impressive (and maybe surprising). Extremely well done. 3nd Place Winner. DataPerfect. 80.125 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Nepon and Gavin Clarkson of Clarkson and Sons. Mark is a practicing dentist from Canada. Gavin teaches Ballroom dancing (as well as systems design). Their jest during the final judging, "We are not professional software developers, we went for the points... if they would give us another 10 minutes, we could pretty it up.", left all of us rolling in the aisles. 4th Place Winner. FoxPro 56.500 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan Biddle of A&B Systems Consulting. Highest score for subjective criteria. He and the 6th place team did best job at managing the relational interface. Would have scored much higher if he could have finished the script. All the other teams in the top 3 required the user to re-enter the primary keys when adding records to the many files. 5th Place Winner. 4th Dimension. 53.750 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Terry and John Beaulieu of Pacific Data Management. First time a GUI interface has made it to the finals. 6th Place Winner. Clipper 36.286 Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Luc De Norre of General Systems Europe and Patrick Van De Wiele of Kortrykse STW 307. They dropped in the finals when their system crashed unexpectedly. 13. 5 Must-Look-At Clipper Magazines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Douglas Schwarz <70474.2520@CompuServe.COM> Editor's Note. Tell them you read about them in the BCNN and they'll send you a free sample issue. REFERENCE CLIPPER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed-in-Chief: Dian Schaffhauser Orders: Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. PO Box 888 Kent, WA 98035-0888 800-788-1900, 206-251-1900, fax 206-251-5057. E-mail: Erik Ruthruff, Sr. Editor [72600,140] Frequency: 12 issues/year U.S. Rates: Magazine only $119, with source code disk $179. A desktop-publishing-style magazine, apparently targeting intermediate to "power users". Novices will find it a bit overwhelming. The oldest Clipper-specific publication, it once focused almost exclusively on technical issues, often devoting most of its limited space to code listings. Recently re-vamped, it now offers a "livelier" format and some news & editorial material, but is still probably the strongest technical publication for Clipper. (However, lengthy codes listings are now relegated to the companion disk.) No obvious biases, not even for software products marketed by Pinnacle; prides itself on its independence. At 24 pp it is the slimmest Clipper mag, but there are no ads. Major Gripe. Cost of the publication (esp with disk, which is indispensable) seems high, especially since limited size means relatively few topics are covered per issue. DATA BASED ADVISOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed-in-Chief: John L. Hawkins Orders: Subscription Dept Box 469013 Escondido, CA 92046 (800) 336-6060 E-mail: David Kodama, Managing Editor [71154,33] Frequency: 12 issues/yr. U.S. Rates: Magazine only $35. With Companion disk $95. A "slick" magazine-style publication devoted to the full range of DOS and Windows-based DBMS products (not Clipper exclusively). Includes special section on client-server issues. Apparently targets novice to intermediate users. ("Power users" will not learn much here.) A good deal of news & editorial material. Good product reviews. Light on technical issues, esp for any one product such as Clipper. No obvious biases. Many ads. Major gripe: None. The magazine is an excellent tool for keeping up with what's going on in our business. (However, I do not consider the companion disk a worthwhile investment, especially since most code listings are also available on Compuserve -- GO DBADVISOR.) CLIPPER ADVISOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor: Al Acker Orders Subscription Dept Box 469036 Escondido, CA 92046 800-336-6060, (619)483-6400, fax (619)483-9851 GO DB to subscribe via CompuServe. E-mail: Jeanne Banfield, Managing Ed. [70007,1614] Frequency: 6 issues/yr. U.S.Rates: Magazine only $45. With Companion disk $120. (But currently being offered at $39/99) Special: Contact Jeanne Banfield for sample issues in bulk to our user group. Guidelines: ACIWG.ZIP, LIB 13, DBADVISOR forum. A new mag devoted exclusively to Clipper from the publishers of Data Based Advisor, but with its own editors, writers, and agenda. As the first Clipper publication available on newsstands, CA views itself as "the first attempt to spread the word on Clipper to the masses". Like DBA, a "slick" magazine-style publication, apparently targeting novice to intermediate users. ("Power users" will not learn much here.) Some news & editorial material, but focused mostly on technical issues. No obvious biases. Many ads. Major gripe: Cost of companion disk, esp considering the publisher could provide code via the DBADVISOR forum. However, the disk also contains indexes to both CA and DBA, and other goodies, to help justify the cost. GRUMPFISH AQUARIUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Orders: Grumpfish, Inc. 2450 Lancaster Dr NE Suite 206 Salem, OR 97305 (800) 367-7613, 503-588-1815 E-mail: Mark Worthen [71064,2543] Frequency: 12 issues/yr U.S. Rates: Disk only - $159 A unique disk-based journal, apparently intended for intermediate-level users -- and with particular appeal, I suspect, for Grumpfish fans. The editors claim they "do not review" Grumpfish products, although the journal recently published a 3-part series by Greg Lief on Clip4Win. However, articles seem to contain enough "fishy" references to let the reader know s/he is clearly in Grumpfish World. The interface engine (written in Clipper) allows reader to scan each month's articles and choose which ones to read. It's also easy to scan previous issues, and Aquarium also indexes articles in other publications. Articles can be printed, and source code listings can be output to PRG files. Subscription includes access to the Aquarium BBS, to which the Aquarium engine provides an "off-line navigator" style interface. Some news and editorial material, but focused mostly on technical issues. A few ads, but you only see them if you choose to! Major gripe: There is a certain characteristic "cuteness" to all Grumpfish-related endeavors which I personally find annoying. If this statement makes no sense to you, you probably will like the Aquarium just fine. CLIPPERAMA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Orders: Clipperama Publishing Subscriptions Dept. P.O. Box 3382 Jersey City, NJ 07303-9871 (201) 435-8401, fax (201) 435-0637 Frequency: 4 issues/yr. U.S. Rates: Magazine only $40. With Companion disk $70. Targeted toward intermediate to advanced Clipper programers. Each issue contains multiple articles on related subjects, to achieve "in depth" coverage. Claims to specialize in 3rd-party product reviews. Clipperama calls itself "The Unjournal" -- supposedly because it's "opinionated, funny, and presented with Fifties images of the future". The name also fits, however, because as far as I can tell, Clipperama is the jouralistic equivalent of vaporware. It was almost impossible to find an ad or any other information about this magazine. When I finally got an address and phone number, they did not return my calls. No doubt it's out there, but I've never seen an issue. The description above is based on Clipperama's own subscription material. (I'll publish an addendum to this review when I see a copy). 14. SmartLog: Runtime Error Handling & Recording Library for Clipper 5.x. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ReplyTo: Marek Karon <72400.2726@CompuServe.COM> Company: MetaGroup Software 12103 S. Brookhurst St. Suite E-410 Garden Grove, CA 92642-3065 Tel: (714)638-8663 Fax: (310)495-0889 Demo: Clipper Forum MetaGroup Software has released a new version (v2.31) of its SmartLog software, a utility for remote program diagnostics and for standarized bug-reporting on complex Clipper applications. * Customizable. You decide what information is logged to a file when runtime errors occur. * Debugging Information Available: error description, call trace, hardware and software environment, network status, database/index environment, DOS status, Clipper environment, etc. * No Clipper internals. It's pure Clipper and FUNCky code. * Compatible with popular linkers, including protected mode linkers such as ExoSpace and Blinker 3. Overlayable. * Network-compatible, including separate log files for each user, built-in support for NetLib library, and interfaces to other networking libraries. * Supports default Clipper error-handling such as division by zero, multi-user access errors etc. * Upcoming Version. In the 1st quarter of 1994 will provide FUNCky- independence, international support, and many other features. 15. BCNN Statement of Ownership, Copyright, and Responsibility. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The BCNN Newsletter is sponsored by the xBASE User Group of the Boston Computer Society. BCNN is dedicated to keeping professional database developers (both consultants and corporate employees) informed about educational events, meetings, job openings, world events, notable articles, technical tips, new and 'must have' products, etc. As an electronic network BCNN is also a hub where developers can address world class issues to fellow developers around the world. Recipients agree to respond via Email to periodic polls of their directions, opinions, and needs. For those who do not have User Groups in their areas, BCNN is a vehicle where individuals can volunteer and contribute to something larger than themselves. Over 3,800 persons world-wide now participate. The newsletter is distributed monthly by electronic mail via CompuServe, Internet, FidoNet, and other electronic gateways. It is free of charge to individual developers. Modest fees are charged to corporations for job placement and third-party announcements. Opinions expressed are solely expressed by the Xbase Language Group of the Boston Computer Society, even in cases where 'Xbase Language Group' is abbreviated to 'BCS'. All materials are copyrighted by the BCS, unless otherwise indicated, and free for any user group to redistribute on their own BBS on the condition that a by-line referencing the BCS is included. Les Squires, Director Xbase User Group c/o Word Jenny, Incorporated P. O. Box 126 29 Brick Kiln Road, Kilnwood Center Harbor, New Hampshire 03226-0126 USA 603-253-6109 Primary Phone & Messages 24 hours a day 603-253-7214 Messages Only 24 hours a day 603-253-9864 Fax 24 hours a day INTERENT:bcnn@World.Std.Com //-First choice for Email. CIS:73020,3435 //-Second choice for Email. Boston Computer Society, Inc. One Kendall Square Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA 617-252-0600 General Number 617-621-0881 Ext. 432 for up-to-date meeting information. Add Subscribers: @BCNN@ClipperYes to bcnn@World.Std.Com. Delete Subscribers: @BCNN@ClipperNo to bcnn@World.Std.Com. (c) 1993 Boston Computer Society, Inc.