From: NINA RIBET Ribbon Snood Materials: Reynolds Menton, 4 (100-yard) spools; aluminum crochet hook J; 1 yard hat elastic; large-eyed tapestry needle. Gauge: 1 loop= 1 " Starting at center top, ch 9. Join with a sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: (ch 9, sc in ring) 6 times. Mark beg of rnds. Do not join but work around and around. 2nd rnd: Sl st over first loop, *ch 9, sc over same loop, ch 9, sc over next loop. Repeat from * around. 3rd rnd: *Ch 9, sc over next loop. Repeat from * around. 4th rnd: *(Ch 9, sc over next loop) twice; ch 9, sc over same loop. Repeat from * around. 5th rnd: *(Ch 9, sc over next loop) 3 times; ch 9, sc over same loop. Repeat from * around. Next rnd:*Ch 9, sc over next loop. Repeat from * around,increasing as necessary to keep work flat (inc by working ch 9, sc in same loop as last sc). Continue making loops in this manner, increasing as necessary to keep work flat, until piece measures 18" in diameter. Last rnd: Work 2 sc over same loop, *sc in next sc, 4 sc over next loop. Repeat from * around, ending sc over last loop, sl st in first sc. Break off. FINISHING: For each bow, cut a 20" piece of ribbon; fold in half. with ribbon double, tie a bow over each sc(except sc of last rnd). Trim ends of ribbon diagonally. Thread elastic on needle and run elastic through scs of last round so elastic does not show. Pull elastic up to fit head snugly. Tie ends securely. y