By: Faith Anderson XXXXXXXXXXXXX Original From: LANA FOX Title: Lacey scrunchies Categories: Accessories, Crochet 1/2 oz Worsted-weight yarn in MC Small amount of contrasting Color yarn (optional) 1 H/8 (5 mm) crochet hook 1 Tapestry needle Scissors Finished Size: Size will vary depending on size of ponytail holder, but crocheted portion is 1-1/4 inches wide. Directions: Rnd 1:Working over the ponytail holder with main color, (sc, ch 1) around to cover the holder completely, but not so tightly as to stretch the elastic (a large ponytail holder required 27 repeats); sl st in beginning sc. Do not turn. Rnd 2:Sl st in first ch-1 space; (ch 5, tr, ch 1, tr, ch 1) in that ch-1 space; (tr, ch 1) 3 times in each ch-1 space around; sl st in fourth ch of ch-5; fasten off if using contrasting trim. Rnd 3:Continue as follows if using one color or join contrasting color in top of any tr; (Sc, ch 3) in each ch-1 space around, sl st in beginning sc. Fasten off. Use tapestry needle to work in loose ends. Country Woman magazine, page 20, July/August 1993