By: Patricia Bartch Puzzle Wreaths Kaitlin, I buy old puzzles at the goodwill. Spread the puzzles in a large box. Spray paint them Holiday green. Make sure none of the pieces touch.....Wait till they are dry..if they need another coat, repaint. When dry, turn over spray paint. When dry select some pieces and lay them out in a circle shape. They should not touch sides. Take other pieces and add drops of glue (I use Aileen's Designer Tacky) and glue over "open" spaces. Glue an entire base. You now have two bases of green puzzles. Glue one more round of pieces. Let these dry. This is supposed to resemble a holly wreath so you need berries!! Add small drops of red paint here and there for the holly berries. At the top of wreath, make a small fluffy, poofy bow out of Christmas ribbon and hot glue into place. If you want prior to gluing the bow, add some stattice. Oh, I forgot, prior to gluing on the bow add a tie out of floss, metallic thread or whatever so you can hang the wreath. Forgot something else...after finished painting the holly berries, spay on mat spray to add a nice finish. Hope you can understand the directions!! I know how to make them, it's hard to tell how to do it though on the computer. I've made about 25 of these this year. I sell them in my craft booths!! They sell like crazy!! They are fun to make and kids especially like making them. Pat in Portland, OR