READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT BEFORE FLAMING ME!!!!!! This is a BETA version. There ARE bugs. As much as I HATE releasing it as a BETA, I feel that it is ESSENTIAL that it be out NOW. This program DOES allow you to create a Doom map from scratch. It allows quite a large level of complexity, at least as much as ANY Doom level, with the single exception of E2M7. There is a memory management issue with E2M7, since it uses more than 64k for SideDefs. This CRASHES many C compilers, including the one I am using (Microsoft C 8.0 / Visual C 1.0). Read the detailed tutorial in the online HELP. There you will find out how easy it really is. I created a 90 sector, 389 sidedef map in two hours. A fully debugged version will be available as soon as possible. For now, you can do some incredible things, and it only crashes rarely. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This program requires Windows 3.1 or above. Using a 256 color display driver at 800 x 600 resolution (or more) is HIGHLY recommended, but not required. Installation: ------------- Create a directory or use your DOOM directory, it doesn't matter where. The following should be in the same directory: DOOMED.EXE DOOMED.HLP THINGS.DEF Copy this into your Windows directory: DOOMED.INI Edit the DOOMED.INI file to show where your files are. Export Directory is where your newly created files (including WAV, WMF, and extracted files) will go. Game directory is where your full WAD and miniWAD files are stored. Note: Some Other editor is also calling itself "DoomEd". For this reason it is important that you have this DoomEd.Hlp in the proper directory or you might get that Other help. To my knowledge, this is the FASTEST editor, and quite a lot easier to use than any Other editors. Also, it is the first USEABLE editor to allow maps from scratch. That's IT! Have fun, and remember, it gets better if you REGISTER! (Soapbox ON) I would like to respond to some rather nasty criticism which I have received lately. First, I am NOT charging for this program. Sending money is totally voluntary, and I sincerely appreciate those (few) who understand how many hours went into it. Second, I did not "steal" anything from Deu. The disclaimer on the Deu source code states plainly that persons writing an editor can use it, as long as it is properly credited. I have made no secret as to the source of the nodes builder module. Finally, I have a mandatory policy of not putting the source code out there since it is in flux. As soon as source is generally available, everyone who thinks they're a better programmer will come out with a different variation, and I am trying to control that. Later, I will probably make source available generally, but not until a more stable version. Look, I wrote you a Doom Map Builder, which automates a lot of things. In just a couple of hours during testing, I was able to make a quite passable level. Isn't this what you all wanted? (Soapbox OFF) ------G-O-A-L-------------------------------------------------------- Future - Version 3.00 - est. (maybe June?) - (Beta testing commenced March 21, 1994) - (Beta testing showed fundamental problem. decided to grow from version 2.5 for now) - Ability to create your own maps from scratch (in 2.5) - Editing of existing maps (in 2.5) - Will allow assembly of new textures from panels (integrating for 2.6) - Will allow editing of sprites, floor/ceil, and panels (integrating for 2.6) - Will allow direct sampling of sounds using multimedia ext. (integrating for version after 2.6) ------C-U-R-R-E-N-T-------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.50 BETA 3 - March 30, 1994 - Very stable - just a few small changes left before full release - Map load, save, and new put under the file menu where it belongs. Many people didn't realize that loading a patch Wad file was not here, and everyone tried Loading the files directly. Sorry, that should have been more clear. - All kinds of solidity changes, but still can't save twice in one session. Sorry, but I'm On It!!!! - When you first break a LineDef, you can jostle the new vertex into position. When you release the right mouse button, it will be placed as required. Problems: - Found out that the compiler problem had to do with the optimizer. By disabling some of the optimizations, all code compiled AND none of the wierd, untraceable bugs occurred. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.50 BETA - March 28, 1994 - Ability to create your own maps from scratch - Nodes, ssectors, segs are rebuilt (code from Deu) Map creator not even required to be aware of this. - Automation of sector generation, line connecting - Read the help file for instructions - It's EASY!!! Problems: - small bug in compiler disrupts things sometimes - must exit and reload to save each time due to memory allocation error in node builder - this is a Microsoft problem and I am trying to find a workaround. (C 8.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.42a - March 22, 1994 - Major overhaul to Linedef/Sidedef editing - easier now - Huge lists of options integrated to combo boxes - Nobody reads these lists, do they? Tell me! - Dragging of Things now Windows standard. - Stripped out old obselete editing dialogs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.41 - March 19, 1994 - OOOPS! Fixed a stupid little bug. - Ability to define any sector as a platform in sector editing dialog - Modeless dialog boxes for sector and linedef editing - Internal modification for some things you can't see --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.40 - March 18, 1994 (pulled before release) - Direct clicking on Linedefs or Sectors to edit them - Much improved everything - faster - Ability to name platforms, and save that data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.30 - March 9, 1994 (not generally available) - Mini wads - no need to completely rebuild Wad to play map - Better adjustment of Segs, SSectors, Nodes - Right Mouse button in Nodes displays node lines - Many Many Many bug fixes and solidity enhancements --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.20 - February 19, 1994 - Removed AutoCad & 3d-Studio export (didn't work anyway) - Vertex editing also fixes nodes, segs, & blockmap. This means REAL MAP EDITING for the first time ANYWHERE. There are still some problems, but generally useful... - Mouse movement - hold CTRL while moving to lock 90 degrees - First version of new help file - needs much work, but quite a lot more informative. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.10 - February 11, 1994 - Finished Control Bar support - Removed Toolbox - Improved scroll-bars - now Windows compliant - Better everything --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.00b - February 10, 1994 - Removed Shareware version detection (for registered users) - Added palette support for 256 color drivers - Removed internal palette record, now loading from WAD - Reduced dialog box sizes for use on 640x480 displays - Improved mouse support - very stable now - Added Control Bar - Increased speed using optimization options - Added texture assembly to Viewer --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 2.00 - February 6, 1994 - Too numerous for all to be cataloged - Dramatic improvements to mouse support - Added ability to edit Sectors and SideDefs - Added ability to edit more in WAD file (not current map) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes - Version 1.2 - Added Shareware version detection - Large memory model for easier memory allocation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous DoomEd versions undocumented. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Original program was called Wadder, and was originally written in Professional Basic 7.1, with my own assembly routines for graphics, list boxes, etc. Unfortunately, outgrew this direction within two weeks and moved to Visual C++ 1.0 (Professional Edition). --------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FREEWARE NOR IS IT PUBLIC DOMAIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- To the few who have registered, Thank You. If no one else registers their copies of this program, then I will not have the time to continue development. You DO want a Doom Editor, don't you? See the Registration Information on the Help menu for more info.