Interactive 3D Tool Kit Order Form Yes, I want to order a copy of the Interactive 3D Tool Kit (I3D). Please rush me the latest version of I3D and the accompanying documentation. Product Quantity Price ============================================================================= I3D Version 1.0 @ $95.00 US per copy _____ ___________ Shipping & Handling ($5.00 US & Canada) ___________ (Outside US & Canada, $10.00 US) Total ___________ [ ] 3 1/2" Diskette [ ] 5 1/4" Diskette Enclosed is a check or money order for the above amount. Please send the I3D software and documentation to: Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ City / State: _______________________________ Zip Code: _________ Phone number: ______________________________ Mail the completed form to: Jim O'Keane 2134 LaFollette Ave. Madison, WI 53704